Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

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manticle said:
You guys know he's just a stooge/puppet put in place by the illuminati as part of a new world satanic conspiracy to manipulate Hilary into power who's just a stooge/puppet for the illuminati (who are just a stooge/puppet for satan to manipulate the world via new world conspiracy) though right?

I mean it's obvious from the Grove and her jawline and obvious signs like that obviously.

Have you seen her eyes?
That could be the next post on Micah Rees's Facebook page.
Fraser's BRB said:
Not sure what concerns me more, seeing this here or recognising the reference...
I had a long, hard look at myself after that. I'm still washing the filth from my fingers.
manticle said:
Sorry - I should have typed all that in CAPITALS to make it more convincing.
Pretty good, but the seasoned internet truther knows the gold standard for authenticity is CAPS LOCK IN BOLD RED FONT AND A QUARTET OF EXPLANATION MARKS !!!!!
Shout outs to David Icke and Jim Corr.
Got this ripper today at work

I didnt include the first half due to Privacy etc..etc, and have edited certain details

I am writing to you today because I am an 84 Age Pensioner being subject to abuse
1. From xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2. From my neighbour to the north who runs a generator all night in spite of the fact
that that the xxxxxx Shire Council has a by-law which prohibits this.

( removed the non relevant bits )

And, finally, in conclusion I wish to lodge a formal complaint with you about the
EMF’s which come from the property north of me at xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Road.
The woman who lives there runs a generator at night, all night, every night and has
being so for the past 5 years when the Shire of xxxxx was part or the xxxxx
Regional Council. I complained to the CRC then and was told that xxxxx had no bylaws
against it and rejected my complaint. Eighteen months ago I filled in a report
when the by-law was published in the xxxxxxx Coast Chronicle but did not respond
and when I queried it at the DSC office I was told they would not enter the fray. In the
past 6 months my neighbour has become very proficient at waking me and keeping
awake at night and my health has deteriorated. My problem is that the medical
profession know nothing about EMF’s and can do nothing to help me. because they
do not know what I am talking about. But I do and I have read a lot of articles about
EMF’s and the damage it can cause to low voltage equipment and to people’s bodies
and their brains. I read that in the US every second person over 85 in the US is
demented. I will be 85 in 7 days and it is my intention to do anything to avoid
dementia. My neighbour has accessed my mind with the frequencies from her
generator and I have woken these mornings with a headache and little memory of
yesterday or the day before. But I am keeping a diary.
Please help me. Is there not a law to prevent one person’s communications cross
the border into another’s property? I know that there was a clause to this effect in a
document which I had to sign before Optus would allow me to buy a sim card for my
iPhone some years ago.

I am suffering abuse and the abuse is ElectroMagnetic Frequencies and it is
affecting my life deleteriously. Most of my short term memory has been wiped by the
frequencies from her illegal use at night and I believe she varies it each night to get
the best effect. My hearing has deteriorated to the point where I must take a hearing
aid to town. I believe this woman is killing me gently with EMF’s. I have a giant
carcinoma on my left wrist which when I sleep is my most forward part of my body.
My mind is the part of the body which is most affected and my short term memory is
so shot that I am having to re-learn many of my day to day processes which I have
apparently “forgotten”. I believe the correct word is erased by EMF’s and I can tell
you that os a very nasty feeling. I have been keeping a diary and I have told my
doctor and some of my friends what I am doing so that they can come to my rescue
if it is necessary. I am a graduate of the University of Melbourne and 4 of the books I
have used as my references are:
“Light, Radiation, and you” John N. Ott ISBN 0-8159-6121-9
“Medicine Beyond” Dr Keith Scott-Mumby MD, PhD
“Get Healthy for your next 100 Years” Dr Keith Scott-Mumby, Md, PhD
“The Brain that Changes Itself” Norman Doidge, MD
I would appreciate any assistance that you have access to, to help me solve my
personal problem and maybe publish my results to assist others who may be trapped
as I am. and I need to stop the frequency bombardment I have had inflicted on me. I can change my brain if it is
damaged but not while I am not free to do so.
Thank you for your attention.
you can only imagine what they say about their mail and the Postie, we have those here too - It's called Paranoid Schizophrenia
Did you post her a DIY hat kit?
Could be a community services matter. Mental health is a big deal for the ageing. Clearly all the assertions are unscientific, but there could be a need for help of another kind.

Sounds like an awful way to be living.

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