Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

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Ducatiboy stu said:
Show them how to do a burnout
Oh wait, he's got a 3.0L Patrol (well he did last time I saw him), it'd **** the bed as soon as it gets on boost :p
shaunous said:
Same here spog, mobile and home phone both registered, both get calls from charities, mobile rarely, home phone 5+ times a day, to the point we never answer it now, which is a shame because im living in my late grandparents house with the same number and their old friends call to talk farming and what not.
apparently you have to re-register every year

Yeh but that dont stop the charities. They are allowed to call, as are political parties.

The worst is Qld Rural Fire Brigade, im in NSW for f#@ks sake, stop calling me once a fortnight. They actually called me while driving to fight a bushfire 2 weeks ago, she was understanding when i said id rather support my local RFS.
sp0rk said:
In that case, the cruiser MIGHT be able to rip a skid
Still got the Cruiser, and an old VT Commodore and a Ford Ranger. Any of them will waste rubber if they have too.
shaunous said:
Still got the Cruiser, and an old VT Commodore and a Ford Ranger. Any of them will waste rubber if they have too.
I can't make too much fun, the Grand Vitara couldn't pull the skin off a custard
The little 121 rips mad skids, though
Thats fully sic bro, respect

shaunous said:
Yeh but that dont stop the charities. They are allowed to call, as are political parties.
The worst is Qld Rural Fire Brigade, im in NSW for f#@ks sake, stop calling me once a fortnight. They actually called me while driving to fight a bushfire 2 weeks ago, she was understanding when i said id rather support my local RFS.
Silent number stops EVERYBODY
shaunous said:
Still got the Cruiser, and an old VT Commodore and a Ford Ranger. Any of them will waste rubber if they have too.
Yep, Cruisers, who would have thought it. Must be throwing some serious chipping at this one. My old GXL would have only been good for around a 25 second pass.
One owner, never taken off road, said the ad on Gumtree.. Caviet emptor.
Why do big govt authorities think we all want to further our career?
I have nothing against anyone that wants to climb the ladder, but now we're ALL being made to do these lame courses.
That in itself makes it a level playing field as far as paper CV's go, so why not give this training to no-one, or only those that want to progress?
Now, I do have good managers - this is not aimed at that appointment system. This is aimed at the belief that everyone will be better, therefore our customers are better served, blah blah blah.
In my opinion, this just feeds the Peter principle.
Guess what continuous Improvement team? Quite often the best welder in the business wants to be the best welder in the business, not the worst foreman ever seen. STOP forcing him/her to do the '7 habits of highly successful people' type courses. Then when his/her annual review comes around, stop giving it to them for not applying for promotions after youve spent $X traing them 'up'
Aaaaggghhh, that mythical Process of Continuous Improvement.

When I still worked, we were assessed every two years by NSW government contracted so called experts, as our business was conducted and licensed under NSW state legislation.
Even though my workplace's assessment achieved virtually 100% compliance on all guidelines and standards, the experts still banged on about this process of continuous improvement.
I asked the idiots once where we go when we reach perfection. Their stunning answer was that perfection wasn't possible. I then said if that is so, then their conclusion about never reaching perfection couldn't be perfect either, because perfection wasn't possible.
Stunned silence for while after that one, then the same old mantra was trotted out again. After all, when you're on a government contract being paid well into 6 figures, you don't let go easily.
Thank goodness I walked out of my job and retired.
mckenry said:
Guess what continuous Improvement team? Quite often the best welder in the business wants to be the best welder in the business, not the worst foreman ever seen. STOP forcing him/her to do the '7 habits of highly successful people' type courses. Then when his/her annual review comes around, stop giving it to them for not applying for promotions after youve spent $X traing them 'up'
Interesting you say that, I haven't worked for a place that forces people to take courses unless it's relevant to the role (confined space, WHS updates, bulk handling etc.) I completely agree with the principle that the best suited person is the most appropriate person for the role. Sounds obvious, but being the most liked/skilled/capable at the current role doesn't make you suitable to be a supervisor. However sometimes the business has a spot that needs to be filled, and someone has to do it. It's up to the business to make the right decision.
A trainer (for maintenance planning of all things) asked once who is normally appointed as the leading hand or supervisor. 90% of the time, the best fitter/mechanic. "Does the best mechanic make the best supervisor? Or have you taken your best mechanic off the tools and made them a little bit more stressed in the process?" Has stuck with me to this day.
The dentist.

6 monthly check-up and clean. 10 minutes in the chair of pain, $207, thanks for coming oh and by the way, you'll need to make another appointment to get that filling fixed, it's cracked and I need to pay for my child's violin lessons.

Edit: I may have assumed that he has a child and that said child needs violin lessons, he may just need the next payment on his Maserati.
Ducatiboy stu said:
Wonder how a lawyer would go in a dentist chair....that would be fun
Cleaver Greene would use all the gas and then refuse to pay.
I hate auspost. Still waiting for brew gear inc. yeast I ordered on the 03/06 from a brew shop 4-5km away.
What pisses me off even more is I got to a brew shop further away last thurs (when I got the windsor yeast) and could have bought all I wanted then.
But still stuck with a $90 order not being delivered that includes supplies I really need to get started again while the weather is right for it.
pablo_h said:
I hate auspost. Still waiting for brew gear inc. yeast I ordered on the 03/06 from a brew shop 4-5km away.
What pisses me off even more is I got to a brew shop further away last thurs (when I got the windsor yeast) and could have bought all I wanted then.
But still stuck with a $90 order not being delivered that includes supplies I really need to get started again while the weather is right for it.
Why are they using auspost for a $90 order if you are in urban area courier will deliver on the same day.