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Fark Yeh!!!!

Pretty sure the wife locked me into some 2yr contract with Foxtel though. I'll check up on this...

Thanks men...
shaunous said:
Fark Yeh!!!!

Pretty sure the wife locked me into some 2yr contract with Foxtel though. I'll check up on this...

Thanks men...
Well, your screwed if your are

25Mb/100Gb $54mth

Voip phones are $10-30mnth depending on what plan you want, so you can get ride of that exy telstra copper
madpierre06 said:
Which means any meter readers out there are now out of jobs also. But I'm sure your local PM will spin how this is a win for innovation in the global m,arketplace. The plus side...I get a fancy new app which lets me monitor how much of the aforementioned electrickery my heat belt and fermenting fridge are using.

Over the years there must be loads of jobs that have disappeared thanks to some innovation or something which lost its convenience, milk men, garbo's, window cleaners, chimney sweeps, door to door salesmen, ice men. Next we will be having driver less cabs and trains, not to mention how many jobs have been lost to automation in industry, but there always seem to be other jobs created to take up the slack.
malt & barley blues said:
Over the years there must be loads of jobs that have disappeared thanks to some innovation or something which lost its convenience, milk men, garbo's, window cleaners, chimney sweeps, door to door salesmen, ice men. Next we will be having driver less cabs and trains, not to mention how many jobs have been lost to automation in industry, but there always seem to be other jobs created to take up the slack.
Yeah, I'm not too sure how many more jobs can be created for those who continue to lose out for the reasons mentioned. Maybe there are more jobs because they've cut down the number of hours in any given shift so that one shift becomes get my drift. And if you have two oor more of these type of 'jobs' you're going to be paying a shitload more tax than you should during the year when you need the money in your pocket the most. This thing isn't about convenience though...purely a way to screw more money out of us, I found a leaflet the other day they had sent me extolling the virtues of how wonderful life was going to be now that I could manage my electricity usage with their lovely new shiny gizmo.
Theyre the least of the worries for NSW electricity workers. Cutting jobs like no tomorrow. 800 to go again soon. Essential Energy being the company. Theyre going on a much publicised 80hr strike next week.
Had a bloody good day today, fiddling and faffing around ,a warm sunny day topped with a few tasty brews and then the sun decided it was tired and ****** off .

Not happy!
Day was awesome up here

So far this year there hasnt been a need for a jumper

Sucks to be living down south :)
Living down south does suck at times but so far this year the weather has been mild/ warm,other parts of SA have had a dose of cold wet weather but not yet here where I live.
Tomorrow may be a different story,no worries it'll be brew day !
Been beautiful down here surprisingly. Next weeks gonna get cold by the sound of it.
Always easier to add a layer than remove one hence why I'd recommend only brewing with Cocko during the Winter months.
In Antarctica.
During a blizzard.
That's when the watermelon baller comes into play.
Had a ranting good weekend with the HUB mob.
Drove up early Sat morning with Les Weizguy for company.
Brewday at Black Duck Brewery in Port Macquarie. Tasted all their beers.
Dinner with the mob that night, followed by a tasty Dunhill cigar.
Drive back home this morning with Les again for company.

Bet we had a better weekend than you did. :chug: :D :lol: :beerbang:
warra48 said:
Bet we had a better weekend than you did. :chug: :D :lol: :beerbang:
I don't know... I flew to New Orleans, had a couple of local tasty beers last night with my jambalaya, and I'm currently drinking an ipa while waiting for my seared gulf shrimp po-boy....
Lets call it a tie