Continuing Rant Thread - Get it Off Ya Chest here

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jkhlt1210 said:
I hate ******* so called ******* friends who think it's ******* cool to hit on my ******* wife. Felt like punching someone's head in..... Although my lovely wife isn't the problem she told him to **** off.
Your wife is your friend and you know you can trust her. That's a win.
StalkingWilbur said:
That's not a friend. Delete from your life.

Edit: I realise how redundant that advice probably is, I was in the gym at the time and that was the best I could manage haha.

I've been there. Had really good friends you thought you could trust. Life is so much ******* better without them.
Cheers I couldn't agree more!
manticle said:
Your wife is your friend and you know you can trust her. That's a win.
Yes I must say she's awesome! And sexy! I'm batting well above my average
Nick White.
May he never wear a wallaby jersey again.
Less than 2 minutes to go, in your own 25 and an effin box kick. The second his boot touched the ball I knew we had lost.
seamad said:
Nick White.
May he never wear a wallaby jersey again.
Less than 2 minutes to go, in your own 25 and an effin box kick. The second his boot touched the ball I knew we had lost.
I yelled at him via Northern NSW, I reckon he woulda heard me at Subcorp.
Dave70 said:
What you need is a **** off sized dog.
Had the same issues at our previous abode.

Pre dog - 3 incidents of theft.

Post dog - 0.

He was fond of eating children however.

This is totally off topic (I realise there's a no topic thread and I seem to recall a dog thread), and really only aimed at Dave70, but you seem like a reasonable bunch of chaps so I'm willing to risk it.

I couldn't help but notice that your dog seems remarkably similar in appearance to my new co-brewer (16 weeeks old approx.) Even down to the little white patch on their cute widdle toes-ie woes-ies.

beerbbqbrutus 113.JPG
jlm said:

My brain literally explodes.

Liek, who in the **** let that slip through to the keeper? Youse carnt evun spell properlies over their in WA? Being the internets with its anonmynities and the ability to spit bile without repercussion , I feel I need to finish with something like "**** you Brendan Varis, learn the difference between a nation and nationality or get AIDS and die.......I'll never drink your beer again", buuuuuuuttttt.....I'm just going to drink those 4 beers and get on with lief. ****. Life. And buy more beer from Feral when the need arises.
Interesting- Belgium on the box but Belgian on the bottle- you would think being a brewery that consistency would count for something?

Quality rant.
peas_and_corn said:
I'm pretty sure he was referring to male friends, they can't get pregnant
I always thought wifes are female? What did I miss?
jkhlt1210 said:
I hate ******* so called ******* friends who think it's ******* cool to hit on my ******* wife. Felt like punching someone's head in..... Although my lovely wife isn't the problem she told him to **** off.
Years ago at a work Xmas show a couple of blokes had a go at the bosses wife and of course the **** hit the fan.
I was in Adelaide at the time but that didn't stop a ******* I used to work with claiming I was involved,he new full well I wasn't at the party but it didn't stop him from making bull **** claims against me,this moron has serious issues with attitude and big mouth,he thought it was funny to state his claims whenever he wanted attention and play the big man.
This continued for a number of years until one Friday having a few beers after work he opened up again,after telling him to shut the **** up ,he said with a **** eating grin on his face," or what" I hit him so hard it knocked him clean off his chair ,it took him several minutes to figure out what had happened,he then picked himself up and went home never to make his ******** claims again.
I still can't understand how I didn't break any bones in his face or my hand,my hand was stuffed for a while after,there was a lot of anger behind the punch.
A number of blokes told me after they thought I had killed him,but said he had it coming as he doesn't listen when told to shut up.
He has since directed his **** at others but moves away from me whenever I am around so perhaps he is capable of learning a lesson .
Lincoln2 said:
This is totally off topic (I realise there's a no topic thread and I seem to recall a dog thread), and really only aimed at Dave70, but you seem like a reasonable bunch of chaps so I'm willing to risk it.

I couldn't help but notice that your dog seems remarkably similar in appearance to my new co-brewer (16 weeeks old approx.) Even down to the little white patch on their cute widdle toes-ie woes-ies.
Oh..cute. Pet rescue?

If he's got some large breed in him and develops deep chest, just keep an eye on him and take precautions to avoid bloat as he matures. Had I known what to look for symptom wise, that handsome fellow would possibly still be eating children today. Still gnaws at me a bit if I'm honest.
You should have nipped it in the bud sooner spog. My now ex brother in-law tried to **** me up, not long after he had hooked up with my wife's sister he showed me a name and phone number he had of a stripper and told me he had a date with her, I asked him if she had blonde hair and tattoos as a punt, he said yes do you know her I said yes she works in a brothel which was close to my work I told him she was the most popular **** in the brothel. It knocked him down a peg or two but he went and told my wife's sister I was frequenting this brothel ( I have never been in a brothel in my life! ) and my wife's sister told my wife, it took ages to convince her I was winding him up but I never mentioned the fact that he had the strippers phone number and a date with her.
Now he is going through a separation and his business is in receivership, he owes the tax office and the banks big time there is a creditors meeting next week and I am accompanying my wife's sister, I will be informing the liquidator the whereabouts of a shed full of equipment from his now defunct business and a bank account he has in another business name into which he has been syphoning money.
Revenge is a dish best served cold.
You should have nipped it in the bud sooner spog. My now ex brother in-law tried to **** me up, not long after he had hooked up with my wife's sister he showed me a name and phone number he had of a stripper and told me he had a date with her, I asked him if she had blonde hair and tattoos as a punt, he said yes do you know her I said yes she works in a brothel which was close to my work I told him she was the most popular **** in the brothel. It knocked him down a peg or two but he went and told my wife's sister I was frequenting this brothel ( I have never been in a brothel in my life! ) and my wife's sister told my wife, it took ages to convince her I was winding him up but I never mentioned the fact that he had the strippers phone number and a date with her.
Now he is going through a separation and his business is in receivership, he owes the tax office and the banks big time there is a creditors meeting next week and I am accompanying my wife's sister, I will be informing the liquidator the whereabouts of a shed full of equipment from his now defunct business and a bank account he has in another business name into which he has been syphoning money.
Revenge is a dish best served cold.

As for nipping it in the bud ( not having a go at you) I chose to ignore the moron , but his sick claims kept popping up,and after a number of years of putting up with it,well a bloke can only take so much,my wife had heard the story passed to her from a friend who new the truth btt that's how gossip mongering feeds the fire and people get hurt.
Takes a lot to get me going but once I do get going look out.
As for you going in to bat for your family against your ex brother in law.....hang the prick out to dry,that meeting will be noted and hopefully he gets crucified.
I get gratification when cnuts like that get what's owed.
All the best doing the prick...spog...
Dave70 said:
Oh..cute. Pet rescue?

If he's got some large breed in him and develops deep chest, just keep an eye on him and take precautions to avoid bloat as he matures. Had I known what to look for symptom wise, that handsome fellow would possibly still be eating children today. Still gnaws at me a bit if I'm honest.
Had a mate who breed Irish Wolfhounds....beautiful dogs but the first 18 months where crucial in developing bone structure and build. Diet was important.
wide eyed and legless said:
You should have nipped it in the bud sooner spog. My now ex brother in-law tried to **** me up, not long after he had hooked up with my wife's sister he showed me a name and phone number he had of a stripper and told me he had a date with her, I asked him if she had blonde hair and tattoos as a punt, he said yes do you know her I said yes she works in a brothel which was close to my work I told him she was the most popular **** in the brothel. It knocked him down a peg or two but he went and told my wife's sister I was frequenting this brothel ( I have never been in a brothel in my life! ) and my wife's sister told my wife, it took ages to convince her I was winding him up but I never mentioned the fact that he had the strippers phone number and a date with her.
Now he is going through a separation and his business is in receivership, he owes the tax office and the banks big time there is a creditors meeting next week and I am accompanying my wife's sister, I will be informing the liquidator the whereabouts of a shed full of equipment from his now defunct business and a bank account he has in another business name into which he has been syphoning money.
Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Good, give him one for me.

As a mug who's been at the helm of a small business for many years now, I'd assume there would be plenty of people on the wrong side that receivership. We've had more hits than a ******* blackjack table. Most of the time these pricks know they're going under, however trading whilst insolvent seems no barrier to them. Neither does potentially bankrupting suppliers and ripping off customers when they tank. And nobody has got your back. ASIC? The ombudsman? Department of fair trading? Forget it. And the ATO only gives a **** about what you owe them. They will get their money. And liquidators are the biggest carrion feeders of all. If there was anything left in the pot for the creditors, their rates of $500 and up for per hour for senior partners soon takes care of that.

So whats left? Pay a ******* solicitor ten grand to drag some arsehole into court the recover a five grand debt? Pretty much how it goes.

Enjoy your retaliation. I'm jealous as all get out.
It isn't just for me, he has threatened my sister in law not to put a caveat on the house because he needs the proceeds of the sale of the house to help pay his debts, I haven't got the list of creditors yet and I don't know which tax he owes ATO.

I nearly got caught for an $18,000 debt but managed to get $15,000 of that before the customer went under, after that I put a $2000 credit limit on everyone I dealt with if they wanted more they paid the money owing and that worked. But what I always failed to see is, if you supply goods or services or both how come the buyer gets 30 days credit, which as you know doubles if purchased at the beginning of the month, it is an out dated method of doing business, I had one customer who owed me money when I rang him he said his terms were 90 days! How the **** does a purchaser make up the terms for his purchase?
That's what coles & woolies do. It's so they can sell the produce before paying for it.