Burt de Ernie
Well-Known Member
having a knob that doesn't get sore from over masturbation!
bak said:
depends where you buy them from. Actually got these from Costco and were a lot bigger and a lot more meat than I've been able to purchase before. To be honest it was the only reason I was interested in going to Costco but will be going back for more.i-a-n said:But why are they so expensive for mostly bone.
Bribie sorry to be a wet blanket but I don't think mince is great for birds. We get lets of Kookaburras and the mrs was feeding them mince, they shat everywhere and kept coming back all the time. I liked having them around but I didn't like the **** everywhere so I looked up what to feed them so they didn't **** everywhere. I seem to remember reading mince = bad. Gets stuck in their beaks, can go rotten and kill them or something...Bribie G said:I am visited every afternoon by a mated pair of Kurrawongs. They haven't been seen in Old Bar for years, a sure sign of a cold winter as they have moved down from the hills.
Along with the Kookaburras, Spangled Drongoes, Magpies, Cukoo Shrikes, Pied Butcher Birds, and Peewees (actually Magpie Larks, referred to in Victoria as Mudlarks) I feed them on Coles $5 mince.
I often wonder what Coles $5 mince tastes like.