Configuring Your Digital Temp Controller

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Hey Guys,

Just a question, i have a digital temp controller and i would like to know the best way to configure it. Reason is because the way i had it set seemed to increase my electricity bill from 100 to 500...

Hey Guys,

Just a question, i have a digital temp controller and i would like to know the best way to configure it. Reason is because the way i had it set seemed to increase my electricity bill from 100 to 500...


it may help if people knew what sort it was.. a temp controller config'd correctly should in fact probably save you a decent amount.. well in Melbourne now anyway.. didnt check to see where you were from or know what you are brewing but if you are doing lagers then you will certainly notice a difference I should think..


what are you brewing? and what device is it? with a bit more info Im sure someone can help..

it may help if people knew what sort it was.. a temp controller config'd correctly should in fact probably save you a decent amount.. well in Melbourne now anyway.. didnt check to see where you were from or know what you are brewing but if you are doing lagers then you will certainly notice a difference I should think..


what are you brewing? and what device is it? with a bit more info Im sure someone can help..


I have been brewing largers at 14c.
My controller is ED330 (
Your son is growing hydroponic pot in the roof. Your temp controller is fine.
I have it set on the following

1 min delay with there is a 1 degree drop. I also have the probe attached to the fermentor to messure the wort and not the ambient temp of the fridge
some things that may sound silly but have done/had them before...
  1. Probe not in the cooler
  2. Condensor frozen up (ice block)
  3. fridge/freezer door seals gone
  4. controller on heat mode with fridge plugged into it
some things that may sound silly but have done/had them before...
  1. Probe not in the cooler
  2. Condensor frozen up (ice block)
  3. fridge/freezer door seals gone
  4. controller on heat mode with fridge plugged into it

Hehe. check all of those. I have 2 temp controllers, 1 for heating and 1 for cooling. Heating controller is turned off at the momennt as it is hot enough in perth.