Concerns Of Copper Wort Chiller Leaching Copper

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My mate always told me. You will always do what you want too...

Do you want the stainless chiller..

if yes... I agree.
If no... dont get it.

I am an agreeable guy deep down...
Finally a decent answer!!!!

As mentioned, copper is a yeast nutrient.

Edit: sorry randyrob also posted a good response.


Copper or the corrosion products associated with copper related electrochemical reactions?

I stand by my answer as being relevant and true by the way (informed by both experience and reading).
There is plenty of hearsay and conjecture about copper and brewing vessels Here
The photo of the big kettle that Randyrob posted is that item, which explains my tongue in cheek post and so far it hasn't killed anyone.

There is a good podcast on Brewstrong which is the one people referred to earlier metals in the brewhouse
hmm - and does it mention the point at which copper stops being a yeast nutrient and starts being a yeast poison? Because I've seen fair bit of "copper is a yeast nutrient" but no mention of just how low a level that is true at, nor any "excessive copper is poisonous to yeast and causes premature staling in your beer" There are a lot of half informed opinion here as in the linked to thread.

The kettle randy Rob posted a picture of proves one thing only - that he made a kettle out of copper, not that it wont eventually kill him, all his friends and render him sterile. I don't think that it will mind you, but the fact that he made one doesn't mean a damn thing with regard to the OPs question.

And the OP should do as suggested earlier in this thread - clean that chiller with either soap and water or perhaps diluted vinegar. And it will be fine. No particular science - just the fact that copper is a very common metal in both home and pro brewing and if its kept clean isn't known for causing health or beer problems.
Hasn't the water nearly all of us drink travel many km's in copper pipes. These same pipes that sometimes get flushed with pipe cleaning products; which would force higher concentrations of impurities out into our glasses?

IMHO I do not believe that an immersion chiller that has been used fairly often would be a major cause of concern. If it had been in storage for a few years then it would be worth an initial clean.

Don't get me wrong I don't think it is a good thing, just the amount from the chiller should not be a huge concern. I take a pill that contains 1mg Copper in it every day.

And then some of us also use aluminium pots?

What about Stainless; on average a meal prepared in a stainless pot will contain about 45micrograms of chromium. And what about the nickel content, there have been studies un the US that prove their nickel content is dangerous, the UK doesn't allow such high levels in their cookware; what levels do we have here in Australia?

And then if it is teflon coated, arrgghh..

Hasn't the water nearly all of us drink travel many km's in copper pipes.


pH is the thing.

The drinking water limit for copper ranges from 1.3 mg/l to quite a bit more depending on who you ask and who or what will be drinking it.

pH is the thing.

The drinking water limit for copper ranges from 1.3 mg/l to quite a bit more depending on who you ask and who or what will be drinking it.

Very good point, we are a lot more acid in our brew, so by that chart is does make a huge diference compared to tap water.

Anecdotal evidence I know, but-------You have seen those old codgers wearing copper armbands or bracelets to help their arthrytis. Well, I have been brewing in copper for six years and at about the end of year two, my arthrytis disappeared and has never returned. If the copper kills me, at least I'll die comfortable!
I'll have to remember that - considering my family history, arthritis is a real probability for my not too distant future. Might have to ditch the aluminium pot and go bother Randy Rob and see if he can whip up another one of those (quite impressive BTW) copper boilers in exchange for cash and grovelling.

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