Competitions for 2014 - Melb / Vic

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Hi Guys,

I noticed another thread by the Welshmen and was wondering if people would mind sheding light on any competitions that are coming up in Melb/Vic for 2014. I know about VicBrew, but I am not sure if there are others and would be keen to hear from experienced folks as to what is available. It may be as simple as VicBrew covers them all, but would be keen to find out.

Thanks Yob, we will have to talk about it on the weekend.
Beerfest is the biggest comp in vic other than state comp.
Melbourne brewers run the comp
There is also Westgate brewers stout extravaganza , in June
Melb brewers British ales in may
Yarra valley belgian beer fest in feb
Bayside brewers Oktoberfest in October...
So there is a bit on...besides Beerfest and Vicbrew
And at all you Melbourne lot complain that Westgate don't support you, yet every year you schedule Beerfest for the third Sunday in Feb..despite us repeatedly telling you guys that Westgate always meet on the third Sunday of the month...and this year it's Valentines on the Fri..guess there won't be many Westgate members there..or blokes that want to impress the Mrs..maybe it'll be another boys weekend lol
fergthebrewer said:
There is also Westgate brewers stout extravaganza , in June
Melb brewers British ales in may
Yarra valley belgian beer fest in feb
Bayside brewers Oktoberfest in October...
So there is a bit on...besides Beerfest and Vicbrew
Thanks Ferg, will check those out.
theres also Pale Ale Mania, cant remember the details of it though...

ed: quck search tells me thats gtone this year :(
fergthebrewer said:
And at all you Melbourne lot complain that Westgate don't support you, yet every year you schedule Beerfest for the third Sunday in Feb..despite us repeatedly telling you guys that Westgate always meet on the third Sunday of the month...and this year it's Valentines on the Fri..guess there won't be many Westgate members there..or blokes that want to impress the Mrs..maybe it'll be another boys weekend lol

Why not have your meeting at the beerfest?
fergthebrewer said:
And at all you Melbourne lot complain that Westgate don't support you, yet every year you schedule Beerfest for the third Sunday in Feb..despite us repeatedly telling you guys that Westgate always meet on the third Sunday of the month...and this year it's Valentines on the Fri..guess there won't be many Westgate members there..or blokes that want to impress the Mrs..maybe it'll be another boys weekend lol
Traditionally it's the second weekend in Feb - last year was an abberation due to me making an error reading the calendar.
Valentine's day can fall on the second or third weekend and spirited debate about whether that should be taken into account is as old as the comp.

Unless we completely break with tradition and do it on the 4th weekend(and without checking a calendar, I'm not sure if there always are 4 in that short month??) , I'm not sure how we can accommodate everyone. I know it's difficult too being so far out of town - one reason I made an effort to judge in every comp in 2013 except Oktoberfest was to not just be a whinging non-participant but support the Vic comp scene regardless of club colours.

If you can make it great - if you can't no worries. We all have lives outside brewing and brewing related social stuff and as you would know - organising something as big as beerfest requires a variety of logistics to be worked out, including when the venue is available. We do our best Ferg - as I know you and Westgate do too.
manticle said:
We all have lives outside brewing and brewing related social stuff

Just looking over the Beerfest categories and most of the beers I had planned on entering are not listed :(
Was more than a little surprised that there were not and IPA or bitter categories.

Might have to quickly brew some more to try and get some in to the listed styles.
IPA and bitter are usually substyles within categories. I know there are some changes this year but check again.
I had planned on entering an ESB, IPA, American Wheat and Scotch Ale. Non of which are listed as sub categories
RelaxedBrewer said:
I had planned on entering an ESB, IPA, American Wheat and Scotch Ale. Non of which are listed as sub categories
I'll have a look and get back to you. They may have reduced categories to make judguing manageable and because scotch, bitter and IPA re covered by other vic comps, they may have been dropped but I will check for you. American wheat has not been included in past years as far as I know
RelaxedBrewer said:
I had planned on entering an ESB, IPA, American Wheat and Scotch Ale. Non of which are listed as sub categories
Most of these are british ales, and these have been removed from the Beerfest lineup this year - mainly because they are generally included in the Brit Beerfest comp we run in May, so it was duplication for us. Dunno if we have ever included American wheat - if we did it may have been rationalised this year.

There have been some necessary changes to the Beerfest cats this year because of simple logistics. It's a bloody big comp, and as we carry most of the judging load ourselves we have to keep it manageable as we do insist on having good judging coverage for each flight.
Most of the cats have been the same for a while, and new comps have sprung up like Belgian Beerfest (Yarra Valley Brewers) and British Beerfest (Melb Brewers) so we don't need thost cats anymore - the main thing is that most beer styles are covered in a comp other than Vicbrew.

On the plus side, we have added a couple of things to keep it very interesting: Specialty Beers now has coverage, and we're adding Meads as well.

So stow away your Scotch Ale for a couple of extra months...

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