Chilling apparatus TDA?
TDA you are running @ 4.34 grams per liter was it in your face or pleasent
the brew that i did over the weekend is 6. something of nelson hop
they are both in the eleven % aa mark
would be good to hear what your tasting notes are
cheers speedie
I going to try the Coopers Pale Clone, but tweak it a little.
It'll be the same malt bill, but I'm going to change the hop schedule.
I'll do...
28 IBUs
18 IBU of POR for bittering
5 IBU of both Citra and Galaxy at 20mins for a bit of a citrus, passionfruit, etc kick.
Hopefully it turns out okay.
Both batches of beer have been cold settling for about three weeks now
Samples from both have been assessed and the northwest yeast batch has really estery notes and a small amount of resin coming through aroma but it is still quite hazy
The US05 brew is brilliant but seems to lack the complexity of the other batch
We plan to keg 200 liters this weekend so some positive tasting assumptions can be put forward
Without tasting I feel at this time there is a need too smash in more late ferment hop to get that epic effect
Cheers speedie
I chatted to Dave from Mountain Goat at the ANHC Gala Dinner, need to e-mail him and get the full recipe, he seemed very open to sharing any information on it.
Notes I took down from his presentation for the hop schedule;
Galaxy up front (this may mean bittering, I didn't take enough notes)
Citra hops late in the boil
Galaxy in the hop back
Galaxy and Citra dry hop
No cascade.... and I was taking notes as he spoke.
I now have Citra... already had Galaxy and the rye, a clone attempt is coming up soon.
Edit: Only Galaxy in the hopback