Ok........ Let this be the first review.
First up is tricache's "Not so much a mystery IPA"
First of all, this is an extract beer. A little bit cloudy, well carbed and a strong taste of treacle/golden syrup straight up. However Its clean and surprisingly quite drinkable (This is meant to be a compliment
) displaying that methods of temp control and adequate sanitation are used.
As i said, quite drinkable. Not 100% my cup of tea, but happily finished the bottle without whinging, groaning or screwing up my face
(like some of my beers)
Second up is tricache's "Combined Forces Pale Ale"
(I wont post pic as both photos look the same)
Again extract, but definetly my favourite of the 2 I was given. Again Cloudy and well carbed. This was alot cleaner and had a less complicated taste.
This proves very well that a decent beer can be made from a kit/extract if your methods/procedures are well in place.
Good Beers tricache.