Christmas In July Lotto 2012

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First cab off the rank was Bowie in Space's "Emma's Pale Ale". I thought all of my christmases had come at once when I had this as it was one very clean and refreshing pale ale... I believe it was brewed for his wife's birthday so I got SWMBO to give it a go and she was impressed (she doesn't drink beer at all!)... The taste of this was so clean that it could have easily been a commercially brewed beer!

View attachment 55620

Thanks for the feedback Camo, glad you enjoyed it. In fact I'm drinking one now.
OK, last night was.... Fat Bastard's Red IPA

Judged this one as an American IPA. Great looking beer, long lasting head.

A nice beer, but finishes a little too sweet for me. Maybe look at reducing the crystal malt somewhat. Otherwise a great effort!

Then this afternoon - mckenry's Aussie IPA

Again, judged as an American IPA. Rocky, long-lasting head. Awesome colour.

A nice beer! Slightly too sweet for me again, and lacks a little bitterness but a nice beer mate!
Then this afternoon - mckenry's Aussie IPA

View attachment 55790
Again, judged as an American IPA. Rocky, long-lasting head. Awesome colour.

View attachment 55791
A nice beer! Slightly too sweet for me again, and lacks a little bitterness but a nice beer mate!

Thanks for judging it NickB.
It was experimental. Never brewed this before and never used those hops (stella and galaxy) before. It was all Aust ingredients.
I think the bitterness/sweetness is a fair comment. A bit on the fruity side for my liking, but is mellowing nicely in the keg. Mashed at 66 for the record.
I was a bit wary of the Galaxy, after reading reports here.
I think I have a good base beer to tweak and turn into a great 'Australian IPA' eventually. Just have to play around with how much and when with this combo.
cheers mckenry.
From last night, Wofman's Saison....

Looks the goods, though head faded rather quickly...

Overall a really nice beer! Well done :)

OK, last night was.... Fat Bastard's Red IPA

View attachment 55789
Judged this one as an American IPA. Great looking beer, long lasting head.

View attachment 55788
A nice beer, but finishes a little too sweet for me. Maybe look at reducing the crystal malt somewhat. Otherwise a great effort!


That's great feedback. Thanks Nick!

If it's of any value to you, I actually agree completely with what you've written. I took the same Red IPA, and the latest version to a brew club meet on Saturday and the newer one with less crystal and more hop all round was definately the favourite!

The next version will have a tad less crystal again and more late hops.


Great to see I'm not completely talking out of my arse (for once) :D

A couple more photos and "notes" on a few beers...

First up is Malted's Barley Wine..... This one had leaked about 1/3 of the bottle by the time it got to me so I threw it in the fridge and had it the next day... Surprisingly it still had plenty of carb in the bottle and held a nice head... not really sure how it leaked as the cap was still on and let out a fizz when the cap was popped off :blink:

Anyway, this was my first ever Barley wine and no idea what to expect... I must say that whilst I enjoyed the experience, I wouldn't say that it was my cup of tea... a nice hit first up but a hint of alcohol lingered at the end... not sure if this is meant to be there (8%) or a product of the leaking bottle??? Still a nice beer though!


Next up are a couple of NickB's beers... A Simcoe APA and a Stella Pills.... I thoroughly enjoyed the APA which held a nice hop hit whilst still being very balanced and clean. The Pills was a very nice and clean beer but I don't think I am that keen on the Stella hops taste, a nice clean beer but not my favourite hop flavour.



Once again, cheers for all the beers that have been sent! I am slowly but surely working my way through them all and will keep reporting back. I know that my comments aren't really adding value but I thought it warranted to give credit to the brewers that have sent along their beers :icon_cheers:

Hey Nick - did my beer (McStoot) get there OK? Sent it some weeks ago, haven't heard back...
Sorry mate, yep, made it in one piece, and is currently chilling away in the fridge. Will get to a review on in sometime in the next couple of weeks - trying to taste them in some sort of order that doesn't blow out my palate for the next ones...

First for today, is Homebrewkid's Irish Red Ale...

Pours a slightly hazy copper, probably lacking a little in the 'red' stakes. Big billowing head that sticks around.

A good beer! Getting smoother as it warms. Enjoying it :)

Have you guys stopped drinking for awhile or something???? :D :p
Sorry guys, have been tied up with work/life/other beer judging. Back into it shortly.

And for the whingers :ph34r:....

From last week, here's number 6 - Camo1234's American Amber Ale!

Pours an amazing red, sparkling clarity, top looking beer!

A top effort! A really nice beer that just lacks a little body.

And this arvo....

Number 7 - Truman's Choc Smoked Porter!

Judged this one as a Brown Porter based on ABV.

Pours an angst-ridden black, with a thin head that fades away into it's own abyss...

Smokiness well balanced with the Choc and Roast character... A very nice beer!


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