Ok guys, I've had a crazy few weeks of late with a new role at work but I have a nice stock pile of beers and have been going through a few every few days.
Unfortunately I am fairly new to the whole brewing world (18 months) so my "feedback" shouldn't been seen as such as I honestly have no idea what I am talking about except that I know what I like in a beer
The one thing that I didn't realise was that there would be a fair bit of admin to complete after winning this comp to keep track of the beers etc but I now have a spreadsheet set up to keep track...(first world problems, i know!)
I am not sure where I am meant to officially post feedback etc but I thought I would throw a few picks and brief comments up here to thank the kind guys for their beers!
First cab off the rank was Bowie in Space's "Emma's Pale Ale". I thought all of my christmases had come at once when I had this as it was one very clean and refreshing pale ale... I believe it was brewed for his wife's birthday so I got SWMBO to give it a go and she was impressed (she doesn't drink beer at all!)... The taste of this was so clean that it could have easily been a commercially brewed beer!
Next cab off the rank was Mayor of Mildura's "Truffles", it was a Robust Porter with Jack Daniels and Vanilla added... Sorry for the dodgy pick, but I had this during the second state of origin after a few of my own and it was an extremely nice "sipper".... the jack wasn't overpowering but a very well balanced porter. The good Mayor also sent me a Barley Wine that I have put away for a few months to age and will enjoy down the track.
Third beer has been Wolfman's Saison.... This was the first Saison I have tasted and honestly didn't know what I was looking for but this was a very refreshing brew and one that I would love to knock a few back of on a summer arvo after working in the yard!
Next up was one of Bullsneck's beers... an English Pale Ale.... exactly the kind of beer that I like to drink myself and thoroughly enjoyed this one as well!
Last but certainly not least is keifer33's "Citra 10 min IPA"... I haven't had alot of IPAs as the few that I have tried have been too in your face but I am absolutely loving this one (as I type) and will be looking to give this one a go in the not too distant future!
(Sorry.... run out of space so will post the rest in the next message)