Chilli And Beer Evening

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Mercs Own

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I am doing a bit of a Chilli and Beer event at the Tap House in Melbourne on Sept 2nd and the tap house in Sydney on Sept 9th. If anyone is interested then get the number off the flyer and book.

It is not a definitive guide or matching just some ideas and abit of tongue burning fun - I hope.

I posted this to the Pub also just to get the word out.

Would love to come Merc, Unfortunately in the wrong state. :(


Just so as to make you feel better about not being able to make it I will post the menu and beers shortly!
Unfortunately we didnt sell enough tickets to go ahead with this event and break even so we have postponed it for another time. I am disappointed but more so confused as the Tap House usually gets a good crowd to all of these events so I am wondering what put people off this one?? I put on a beer dinner in June and got a full house of 50 at $100 per head.

Any one care to make a comment regarding the Beer and Chili Dinner? Did some one out there think about going but decided against it and why....Good to know for when I organise another one. I thought Beer and chilli matching would be of real interest to people.

Over to you.
Any one care to make a comment regarding the Beer and Chili Dinner? Did some one out there think about going but decided against it and why....Good to know for when I organise another one. I thought Beer and chilli matching would be of real interest to people.

Over to you.

I would have loved to have gone but I'm in Sydney so it makes it a very expensive evening (and means travelling to Melbourne and who would want to do that).

If you were to organise one in Sydney perhaps...

I thought there was one being organised in Sydney. I was waiting to see the menu and list of beers.
I would have loved to have gone but I'm in Sydney so it makes it a very expensive evening (and means travelling to Melbourne and who would want to do that).

If you were to organise one in Sydney perhaps...

I had one organised for Melbourne and one for Sydney - the flyer on my post was the Sydney event.

I figure that we should have published the menu so people knew what they werer getting - perhaps that put people off? Strangely they both didnt sell so well?

menu (too late now though)

1 Chilli beer made by Bridge Road served with Thai crab chilli salad
2 Saison served with shreded baby goat that has been slow braised in milk, saison and mexican chilli paste with Guacomole salsa, roasted sweet corn and tortilla
3 Indian Pale ale served with lamb lollipops cooked in an indian style curry using the IPA
4 Reback Wheat served with Redback beer battered Jalapenos poppers
5 All Spice Ale served with All Spice ale Marinated Kangaroo carpacio finished with a chilli jam
6 Stout - possibly Mountain Goat or Red Hill served with sticky date pudding with a chocolate, stout and chilli sauce

It was going to be good and dare I say it HOT!
Sounds absolutely awesome Merc, certainly a menu I'd tuck into. I think you would have had more bookings if the menu was publicized, people can be a little shy of chilli dishes if they don't know what they're going to be served.
Sorry it didn't come off.

I had one organised for Melbourne and one for Sydney - the flyer on my post was the Sydney event.

I figure that we should have published the menu so people knew what they werer getting - perhaps that put people off? Strangely they both didnt sell so well?

menu (too late now though)

1 Chilli beer made by Bridge Road served with Thai crab chilli salad
2 Saison served with shreded baby goat that has been slow braised in milk, saison and mexican chilli paste with Guacomole salsa, roasted sweet corn and tortilla
3 Indian Pale ale served with lamb lollipops cooked in an indian style curry using the IPA
4 Reback Wheat served with Redback beer battered Jalapenos poppers
5 All Spice Ale served with All Spice ale Marinated Kangaroo carpacio finished with a chilli jam
6 Stout - possibly Mountain Goat or Red Hill served with sticky date pudding with a chocolate, stout and chilli sauce

It was going to be good and dare I say it HOT!

Sounds beautiful! Sorry to hear about it not happening.
I had one organised for Melbourne and one for Sydney - the flyer on my post was the Sydney event.

yes.. ahem.. so it was ... Is there an embarrassed emoticon I can use? No.. I'll have to use a frowny one instead :(

In that case the reason I didn't book is because I'm and idiot and don't read posts properly. I saw Taphouse Melbourne and read no further.

That menu looked fantastic. Damn.

That will teach me to pay attention won't it.


Find a place here in Adelaide (Kings Head Perhaps) And do it here. The even have the Brewboys Ace of Spades on tap. Would be perfect for your desert dish.

And I reckon you would sell out pretty quickly too.



Find a place here in Adelaide (Kings Head Perhaps) And do it here. The even have the Brewboys Ace of Spades on tap. Would be perfect for your desert dish.

And I reckon you would sell out pretty quickly too.



If you build it, they will come!

Am sure there are enough chilli heads in Adelaide to sell out your bash Mercs.
After reading that menu, I would spend a day begging for change to raise funds for a ticket!
I would have loved to go but im not in sydney or Melbourn.

I know sydneys not that far to travel but its still 4 or 5 hours of driving and im not a fan of big city's

I do agree that a menu on the flier would have roused more interest in... what i recon would be a bloody fantastic night!
