I bought something almost identical from CraftBrewer and it's great for strike water, mashing etc and is suitably accurate. However problem is that when trying to get temperature of the current brew in the fridge and holding the probe against the side of the fermenter I don't really trust the reading because obviously there's cold fermenter on one side of the metal and warm air on the other side.....
So the Ikea one would be great to feed down through the airlock hole and just leave it there ... suitably sterilised and the hole stufed with cotton wool whatever.
I know some guys just sit a thermometer in a jug of water in the fridge but that wouldn't give really accurate reading during initial fermentation where the wort is generating its own heat and that's the critical area I need to monitor especially with West Yorkshire yeast.
How much currently are they from IKEA does anyone know?
Advantage of IKEA in Brisbane is that they are just down the road from Ross' store - or maybe a disadvantage as it's a bit of a trap
"Abandon All Dough ye who enter here" :lol: :lol: