Carbonation Question

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My first brew, Munton's Bock, has been in bottles for 2 weeks now, and tastes pretty good.

I moved 2 bottles from the garage (16 Deg C) to the fridge on thursday morning. The bottle I opened thursday night was great, tastes pretty good, and a healthy head.Lots of small bubbles, foamy head lasted for a while, was quite pleased with myself as it really looked tghe part.

The bottle I opened friday night, exactly the same except longer in the fridge, was plenty carbed enough, but completely different character. No head at all, and large bubbles - it looked like coca-cola not beer.

This batch was all done with Carb drops, 2per 750ml bottle. Did I miscount on one bottle? or is this to be expected with different times in the fridge?
My first brew, Munton's Bock, has been in bottles for 2 weeks now, and tastes pretty good.

I moved 2 bottles from the garage (16 Deg C) to the fridge on thursday morning. The bottle I opened thursday night was great, tastes pretty good, and a healthy head.Lots of small bubbles, foamy head lasted for a while, was quite pleased with myself as it really looked tghe part.

The bottle I opened friday night, exactly the same except longer in the fridge, was plenty carbed enough, but completely different character. No head at all, and large bubbles - it looked like coca-cola not beer.

This batch was all done with Carb drops, 2per 750ml bottle. Did I miscount on one bottle? or is this to be expected with different times in the fridge?


Was your glass really clean when you tried the second bottle. Detergent residues and other impurities on the drinking glass can affect the bubbles and head. There are threads on this site about the best way to clean beer glasses.
Hey Gordon,

firstly, WELL DONE on a good first brew, thats tops. Quite often first brews aren't so successful, so you are doing something right :)

There are so many things it could be, but here is a few thoughts

i) u only put one carb drop in that bottle
ii) was the cap the tiniest bit loose, that you couldnt detect or see, but enough to let some C02 gas escape. (do u use a bench capper or the hand capper with a hammer? or was it the pet twist tops?)
iii) maybe that bottle just isnt fully carbed up yet, even though the other one is, this is reasonably possible, especailly if the other had more yeast in it, being winter, carbing can take a few weeks.
iv) dirty glass or a clean glass with detergent residue.... will sort itself out....welcome to the forum :) I think you are on your way to making brilliant beer, There is A LOT to read and learn here. get friendly with the google search in the forum, if in doubt ask away :)

EDIT: Oh.....and there is NO WAY that putting the beer in the fridge for longer made it less way at all....(happy to hear others views) but way :) good thought process though, but not the fridge. In fact putting the beer in the fridge for a longer time is a good thing. It really helps clear the beer. After 7-10+ days in the fridge alot of the 'things' that are in suspension in the beer fall down to the bottom of the bottle, making for clearer beer and IMO a cleaner taste, assuming u dont pour the sediment in your glass.

My first brew, Munton's Bock, has been in bottles for 2 weeks now, and tastes pretty good.

I moved 2 bottles from the garage (16 Deg C) to the fridge on thursday morning. The bottle I opened thursday night was great, tastes pretty good, and a healthy head.Lots of small bubbles, foamy head lasted for a while, was quite pleased with myself as it really looked tghe part.

The bottle I opened friday night, exactly the same except longer in the fridge, was plenty carbed enough, but completely different character. No head at all, and large bubbles - it looked like coca-cola not beer.

This batch was all done with Carb drops, 2per 750ml bottle. Did I miscount on one bottle? or is this to be expected with different times in the fridge?
thanks guys, there really is a daunting amount of info available here. So much so that I'm fast heading towards trying a small BIAB brew soon.

Hadn't relly thought about the clean glass, the surfactants left behind from the soap will make a huge difference. Am using the family kitchen fridge, so storing 10-14 days worth of beer just ain't going to happen. Am on a look out for a brewers fridge to keep in the garage though!
dude, i've notice that too. might get the one dud bottle, or it could be the lid wasn't properly secured. write it off as what the US military would refer to as "an acceptable loss"
My bet is the glass,
my father pours commercial beer into his dishawshered glasses and it heads up fine,
while my home brew goes flat in 5 seconds, but at home in my thoroughly never ever been in the dishwasher
brew glasses the beer has even slightly excessive head and excellent retention.

suggest you buy some new glasses just for brew and never ever put them in the dishwasher.

I go to a local Thai restaurant that allows you to bring your own beer ( many are wine only as you well know )
and I'm now threatening to take my own glass as well. Last week one fellow brewer turned up
not only with his own glass but his own chilled jug as well!

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