Candy Sugar

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I'm surprised a recipe for coopers sparkling would need Belgian candy sugar. I think if you went for 1 L = ~1kg you'll be fine. It's not 100% accurate but I reckon you'll hit the mark. For light I would save the dosh and make your own but I've not yet tried the commercial product so i might be way out.
I'm surprised a recipe for coopers sparkling would need Belgian candy sugar.
Here's the whole recipe..
I've actually already made it without the grains (my thermometer broke) and the candy sugar. I used dextrose instead.
Tastes alright but I think it might be the missing grains that has made the difference between being alright and pretty good.

2.75 kg Coopers light liquid malt extract
250 gm. crystal malt (60 Lovibond)
500 gm Belgian candi sugar (white)
10 gm Pride of Ringwood pellet hops 60 minutes
15 gm Pride of Ringwood pellet hops 15 minutes
15 gm Pride of Ringwood pellet hops 2 minutes
1 tsp. Irish moss
Darker candi sugar is integral in a dubbel as far as I'm concerned but for something like that any sugar/invert sugar should do the trick. I'd definitely go with the grains though.

Here is a tried and true all grain recipe for CSA.

And here are some tips for converting AG to extract:;showarticle=97 (link to article)

Real coopers clone will only happen if you reculture coopers yeast.;showarticle=40
I really, really, REALLY hate to say it...but for an all extract version, you may need to add some simple fermentables in order to get the high degree of attenuation required. In the AG recipe, it's a multi step mash, with very low temp in the sacchirification (which basically means that it's specifically made to get a lot of fermentable sugars produced in the wort). With extracts, it's mashed more 'average', by the manufacturers, and is unlikely to finish with as low an OG as a full grain version mashed for the purpose.

short version for the extract would be 80g dark crystal, ~ 200g dry wheat malt, and enough ldm/lme to raise the grav to 1049.....but based on what I jsut said, you might want to use ~200-250g dextrose in place of some of the pale malt.

(agh, my fingers are burning)

edit: and yes, the yeast is super important if you want it to be anything like coopers at all.