Can Openers

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:super: Ok all you Kit and Kilo Guys out there

Whats the best can opener you have for opening cans of Goo??

My better half brought me an electric can opener but the cans are too tall for it :huh:

I am sick of those twisty things that only work for half the can then slip and slide and wont go any further.

There must be a better opener out there.....lets know the brand or type you use


Back in my can days I used one of these for years with no problems


These days we use one of these for everything else with no problems


Off topic - I can see this thread may go downhill quickly
WL brand Can opener..i used and it still works
earle said:
Back in my can days I used one of these for years with no problems

I miss this can opener... had one and it opened cans the best. None of this cut the top off and get sharp edges crap. Also leaving the top ring on the can gave it a bit more structural integrity.

Those new ones are shit. And the wife is sick of hearing about how the good ol one was better :D
go the oldies, last longer and shit all over the new fangled crap :super:

edit: didn't make sense
when I was doing the can stuff the can openers were a pain the arse I tried all brands I could find .
cos I only do cans on g/b kits I bought one from the local kitchen shop for about 20-30 bucks works great
I worked on the principal you get what you pay fore
my 2 cents
Search for a proper "Swing Away" can opener should cost $25 but will have a 25 year warranty. You will never buy another can opener again. Unless your wife steals it.
mofox1 said:
I miss this can opener... had one and it opened cans the best. None of this cut the top off and get sharp edges crap. Also leaving the top ring on the can gave it a bit more structural integrity.Those new ones are shit. And the wife is sick of hearing about how the good ol one was better :D
Fully agree with you,I had my dear old Nannas can opener for yonks until it mysteriously vanished,so I bought a similar replacement,well what a piece of crap it was , no where near as good as the original.
I've had numerous others and none of them come close to the oldies so everyone hit the 2nd hand shops and show us you $1:00 ghetto can opener,the brewers buddy.
Great to see FRED there. Having just finished my time now I won't be getting any further free supplies of FRED for the household...but we have a drawer full so we should be alright for a while!

Back in my K&K days I used FRED as well, although I don't do kits anymore much my wife is a Tuppaware rep (don't go there...!) and they have these frickin expensive but awesome can openers which cut the can with no sharp edges but allow the top to sit back on sealing it again, cuts it like a re-sealable lid.

Only reason we have one is she's a rep though, wouldn't buy it otherwise only due to price!
Wiltshire old faithful wing opener from Big W 5 or 6 bucks.
Nother trick is to always open the bottom of the can, the lip was always a tad smaller I found....been a while.

Wambesi.........FIL bought us one of them Tupperware openers, I gave it back to him after a few weeks...******* shitted me trying to use it, opened about half the cans, didn't go near the other half.
Swing Aways are awesome. My Mum bequeathed me hers she got in the 50's. Which worked great until 2009 when my housemate somehow lost it when I was gone for a week. The same numpty who left my carbon steel butchers knives lying in a pool of olive brine for the same week.
Mardoo said:
Swing Aways are awesome. My Mum bequeathed me hers she got in the 50's. Which worked great until 2009 when my housemate somehow lost it when I was gone for a week. The same numpty who left my carbon steel butchers knives lying in a pool of olive brine for the same week.
Aaaaaaand the Op Shop belched forth a nearly new Swing Away for $1.00 today. Sweet! Already cut myself on a can lid...
Wiltshire from BigW, about $6 but close to the quality of old, opens everything...even a frosty virgin.

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