Can A Craft Brew Make A Person Really Sick!

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G'day guys and gals

I have a friend (brother inlaw) whom I recomended try a beer while he was eating his din dins, I recomended a beez neezs, now he drank it and I sort of senced he sort of enjoyed it though was certainly different to the VB he was drinking prior, he mentioned it was a better beer while eating tea than VB... Now that night he was sick, very sick, vommeting, etc...

the next day, he said he felt off, but not to bad, he blamed the beer - 1 BEER????

Now the other night I came around with a bottle of home brew, I pored a glass for myself and 1 for him, I told him, "this is my home brew, it is a beer I made, not from a can or anything, so it will be quite different to anything he has ever had before", I know my beer is drinkable as I have near finished 22ltrs of it and not been sick, well he had 1/2 his glass in the time I had mine, as Im poring for 2nds, he declined, which is cool as I don't mind rejection!!!! ;)
So all he had was 1/2 a glass, that night he was once again seriously ill, and BLAMES my beer, lol...

Whats going on is it craft beer that can make you sick. Is Beez Neez pasturized!!!!, he can drink all the commercial beers with no problems, So whats going on.......Im sick of getting the blame!!!!

Undertake a clinical trial. Put some VB into a plain bottle, tell him its HB and see what that does to him.
As if he is going to try another home brew, BBABAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! ;)

maybe he just cant stomach beer with real taste. ;)
never been sick on homebrew ive been sick on vb and tooheys spew
kc_ksom said:
As if he is going to try another home brew, BBABAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! ;)


Of course, you could do the opposite and put some hb into a VB bottle and see what he says. Clearly the biggest flaw in that plan is that you would have to find a home brew that tasted as bad as VB (not an easy task).
Everyone has certain foods or ingredients that their system can not tolerate. Best off you stop giving him beers & he has some allergy tests done. It could be a yeast allergy!
Gerard the amateur allergy specialist.

Edit spelling
Going with Gerard on this one.
I know one mate after drinking a bottle reckoned he felt itchy, and I knw it was a bottle right near the end of the batch... so maybe.
Didn't make him sick though....
wheat beers do the same to me, not vomitting - but not very well
i know several aquaintances who are extremely ill after drinking homebrew - one has a real difficulty with anything malty - no surprise he can drink xxxx till the cows come home :)

cheers Ross...
Could be a gluten intolerance. All-grain beer has ALOT of gluten in it.
I would also second the idea of washing the label off his favourite beer in a bottle. See if that makes him sick too.
Psychomatics will get sick at the thought of anything they think they won't like (ie he lay in bed thinking "I drank home-brew, I drank home-brew, I drank home-brew". Spew

Ross said:
i know several aquaintances who are extremely ill after drinking homebrew - one has a real difficulty with anything malty - no surprise he can drink xxxx till the cows come home :)

cheers Ross...

Notice you said acquaintances, Ross. You couldn't have friends like that, could you? ;)

Darren said:
Could be a gluten intolerance. All-grain beer has ALOT of gluten in it.

As a gluten intolerant brewer, I'd say maybe he should get it checked out. Before diagnosis I always found that I could drink high adjunct beers without too much problem, but only one or two full malt beers and non-filtered beers inparticular would send me off.

Personally, it's usually more of a problem with what you eat rather than what you drink - diced carrots and tomato skins?


I have a friend who had a big miss conception of home brew, Well that was untill he had one of my coopers heritage lagers, I reckon he will ask for another next time he comes around. its funny how people think as he thought all home brew is really high in the alcahol, off flavours, etc, im sure we all have tasted some good and some very bad home brews, so I gather the stigma of tasting a really bad home brew is always present, But my bro inlaw also was sick same night he had a beez neez... So that stigma of home brew would not have been present, though it is a completly different flavoured beer to the CUB beers. im still unsure, I reckon if he gets sick after the next time he has a home brew (if I can give him one) then atleast we will know...

Try a stubby of CPA or CSA to see if he has a yeast intolerance.

Does bread send him off also (Covers yeast and gluten)

Some very cruel people on here.

Make him sample more indeed.

If its making him crook, its very simple just dont give him more.
I been sick from craftbrews, last saturday I had 12 pints of Cols APA over a 6 hour period & I was sick the next morning! :lol:
i have been sick after a home brew from a mate. made the mistake of tasting it to learn more of the infection. but was not that sick. the only sick ness other than hang overs i have seen is that of liver faliure. a mate is suffering from it now and its not a nice thing to watch. reminds me that good qulity in moderation not mega amounts of mega swill.

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