Can A Brew Get Stuck?

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Have had a double brew going for 16 days... Longest so far
Its coopers larger... on the eleventh day I added some cascade hopps
Its still cloudy and there is still some foam on top... not alot and SG is 1010.
It's been on 20-22 degrees the whole time that I know of.
when I threw in the cascade hops it jumped to 24-26 for a brief time and I'm wondering is the extra hot water maybe killed the yeast.
Worry or leave it?
I would say at 1010 it's all but done. Take hydro's for the next few days and if it hasn't moved from 1010 crash chill for 1-3 days and bottle/ keg.

20-22 is too high for a lager but with the kit yeast it should be drinkable. If you want quality lagers invest some reasearch, time and money into some fermentation temp control. I can tell you that your beers will improve 1000%.
well from what I have learnt from this website... the coopers larger yeast is an ale so it should be ok at this temp
In my bathtub where I keep all brews It is very consistant.
I have just never added hops....

the brew was 2 cans of coopers larger 1.5k ok dextrose 500g of brew enhancer 1 and then the casacade hops added for the last few days which the hbs said it may help to make the brew taste "classier" but it just tastes fruitier as if it is green or the hops perhaps made it taste like it was brewed at 26-28 degrees as I remember when I brewed at a higher temp before...
Just dont know as this is the first time with hops.
what does crash chill mean mate?
dont know the term...

Chappo means that (if you have a brew fridge) put the fermenter in the fridge for a few days to help drop the yeast out before bottling. This will give you a cleaner tasting / less yeasty beer. Cascade is a fruity tasting hop (citrussy) so it will make the beer fruitier but its a different taste/smell from the esters you'd get from a hot fermentation.

Adding the hops will make some of the dissolve C02 in your brew break out of solution - which makes it bubble. If the gravity readings are constant for 3 days and you have an FG around your expected value then its done and can be bottled. But waiting a few more days won't hurt your beer and will give the yeast a chance to clean up after itself and drop to the bottom of your fermenter.

Hope this helps,

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