Camra Vs Brewdog

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Hi Gap
I remember that, it was at Blyth, right? So obviously BD can put out cask beer if they want to.

Hello Bribie,

The Three Horseshoes at High Horton, near Blyth.

The Publican gave me a BrewDogs 5am Saint Pump Clip to bring home.


I'm certainly no expert when it comes to beer, but this old vs new has been around for years.
Take something that's old, "stale" and then get some young guys who've lived under it's rule for a while and you'll get things like Brewdog and their behaviour.

Look at skateboarding in the late 80s/early 90s.
Interesting if they are putting some beer in casks for distribution. Just reporting back what was said at this event. And that was he poo-pooed casks and CAMRA. Sounds hypocritcal if they are in casks with 5am Saint? Had no idea of this.

Maybe James' comment on the night was directed less towards the serving vessel and more about the style of beer - that they weren't interested in creating British style cask ales.

I guess Brewdog very much emulate the yankees with much of what they make (US IPAS, Ambers, etc and high gravity beers like Rogues Brewery do). He said that Stone Brewing (US) was one of his favourites and admired what those guys do a lot, and some of their publicity stunts (such as making the highest IBU beers etc) are very much in the vein of what Dogfish Head set out to do in the early days in my mind - pretty much do anything to get noticed and be seen as radical.


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