Camping Kegs

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Ok guys n girls,

I have been using a home made kegs system for quite a while now. But i recently purchased 5 of the propper 19 litre kegs and am setting up for taking these camping with us.

I have been using the home made setup camping for years now and it was a bit dodgy so now im trying to do a propper, but budget job. I thought i'd run past you guys how i did it before and how im planning on doing it this time, see if you guys see any holes in my plan.

Previously i had a 150 litre chest freezer that i had welded a mount for on the front A frame of my camp trailer. This housed two of my home made kegs (Old 12l stainless fire extinguishers) I then had a beer gun and reg with soda stream bottle to power the setup. This had a few problems the disconnects leaked and so could not be left plugged in. The freezer could only hold two 12l kegs and constant opening and closing of the freezer to pour beers wasn't ideal for keeping the ice for a long time.

The plan now is to hold three or possibly four of the std 19 litre kegs in a 300 litre chest freezer. I have bought some old beer taps from ebay and plan to fit them on the outside of the fridge with lines running through to the interior of the fridge. this will prevent us opening and closing the freezer as much and should keep ice even longer. I can fabricate a bracket to fit the taps no problems but one question is, is it ok to have brass in contact with beer or should it be stainless only? I plan to fold up a small shelf/awning to keep the sun off the taps to prevent heat transfer into the freezer as much as possible. For gas supply i plan to machine a manifold to supply the three kegs from one bottle. What size bottle would i need? Is there a cheap way of doing this? i think the soda stream ones are good but too small for three or four kegs, am i right in thinking this?

so anything else i should keep in mind or have missed altogether?
Could you save a bit of space & effort leaving the freezer at home and chilling the beer by passing the tap line (3 or 4 metres maybe) through an esky of ice rather than trying to chill the entire keg? I'm sure someone here's actually tried this simple temprite setup & can comment further.

As for the brass, I'm fairly sure my old pluto guns are made of brass. As are my fridge taps (chrome plated however).
i did actually try this early in the adventure, i found it worked good but only for a day before we hand no ice left and drank warm beer LOL. With a freezer and decent volume of ice we have cold beer four and five days in easy LOL

Good point on the brass taps, i think i have even seen old pubs with all brass taps.
I reckon for less effort, you could go a few party taps, some eskies with a heap of ice and of course a gas supply.

Beats lugging a fridge around imo.
They are pretty exy and a few of the campers already have them, they will keep ice in full summer for two days. My $30 freezer keeps ice for fours days easy, even if its in the sun. On the A frame of the trailer it takes up no space an the landcruiser tows it without knowing its there even.

sounds like an awesome setup.

grab another sodastream bottle, just to be safe.. but one bottle should dispense 4 19L kegs if you've carbed them at home or you prime with sugar?

another sodastream bottle is cheap insurance and taking 2 little sodastream bottles is easier than one bigger one, plus sodastream bottles seem to cope with extreme temp changes, like being in the trailer, then in the sun, then cold at night etc etc, they're filled to a level which allows for the lowest common denominator... like people who wanna leave them in the car after shopping....

you're on the money,

keeping your taps in the shade and i'd suggest they're mounted on the side of the freezer to keep them as cold as possible.

i reckon if your taps are permanently mounted on the fridge you'd wanna glad wrap them or fabricate a sealed box/cover to go over them during travel. of course make sure that nothings hooked up during travel... though you could make some new friends at the servo!

i find a well travelled keg needs a good few hours to even overnight to calm down before pouring well, but the rest you've got sorted.

most of all make sure you post some pics to make the rest of us jealous!
....The plan now is to hold three or possibly four of the std 19 litre kegs in a 300 litre chest freezer. I have bought some old beer taps from ebay and plan to fit them on the outside of the fridge with lines running through to the interior of the fridge. this will prevent us opening and closing the freezer as much and should keep ice even longer. I can fabricate a bracket to fit the taps no problems but one question is, is it ok to have brass in contact with beer or should it be stainless only? I plan to fold up a small shelf/awning to keep the sun off the taps to prevent heat transfer into the freezer as much as possible. For gas supply i plan to machine a manifold to supply the three kegs from one bottle. What size bottle would i need? Is there a cheap way of doing this? i think the soda stream ones are good but too small for three or four kegs, am i right in thinking this?

so anything else i should keep in mind or have missed altogether?
yes... you need to invite me along!!

most of all make sure you post some pics to make the rest of us jealous!
+1 .. post pics.
I've been thinking... for a portable gas option (saving weight, but not space) how much life would you get out of charging an empty keg purely with CO2 and using this for top-up? I can get 60psi out of my reg into an empty keg, which you could then transfer to your beer kegs gently with a needle valve when required. This should be enough to service 4 pre-carbed kegs.

Worth the effort?
dOn't forget the old techniques of 1. salting your ice to reduce its temp & extend its life & 2, freezing ice cream containers of water - blocks last longer. Also chill the freezer & kegs down before going away to reduce the ice consumption.

+1 for covering the taps to both keep em clean & keep unwanted fingers away when travelling.
+1 for disconnecting everything when travelling.

Just to be controversial - co2 fire extinguishers can be picked up cheap & will last a lot longer than a soda stream cylinder. 5-6 kg units cost about $50 to fill

Great setup if you're going bush camping. /envy/

If the freezer works on 240V, hook up a temp controller & you can also use it at home & at powered sites too. You can also get a honda generator (bloody quite) & run it on 240 while you're away & not need ice ;-)