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I've read a lot of stuff about nasa and mongolian burners recently. I'm looking at upgrading the plastic electric kettle to a gas fired 50L keg (shock! horror!). But what is the best burner for me? I'm only going to be doing single batches and I'm a real tight-arse, so what would be the burner with the best bang for buck without being too overpowered for my modest brewing needs?

Can recommend the NASA highly. Can be cranked up to boil 60+ litres and cranked down to boil a 4 litre starter with care. Great power range. :beerbang:

Will probably cost you more than a regular burner, though not all that much. Mine was $95 incl. regulator.

You say you're only going to boil small batches however experience tells me to never say "never". There's always the chance you'll up your batch size. Might as well have the kit that survives the test. :)

Warren -

I'll endorse the NASA too Joel. It's good to have the capacity to scale up if you want to so the little extra cost isn't really an issue.
How noisy are they? I've heard that they are quite loud, which might be a bit of a turn-off. I'm wondering if anyone has done a noise (dB) test to measure how loud they are?

And how much gas would you go through for a 90 min boil?

What other names do they sell under?

They're a little noisy running flat out. Not too bad though. You actually get quite used to it. :beerbang:

Once your boil is established you can turn it down. Noise is not a problem then.

Warren -
G'day Joel, I have a NASA. It doesn't make that much noise that you need to be worried about. I run mine flat out to achieve a boil and then (quickly) turn it down very low to keep it rolling. I have to watch it like a hawk because I don't have much head space in my 50lt keg. Out of a 9kg gas cylinder I get about 5 or 6 90 min boils as well as the 20 mins it takes to flood the boiler and get it up to boiling. I purchased mine from G&G in Melbourne, its sold as "outdoor burner" it has a 130,000 btu heat value. No affiliation.

Razz :D
The nasa is good and will get your wort or water up to temp very quickly. However, if you are in a area that is reasonably closed in, like a shed the noise is significant in my opinion. I have a ring burner that you can see on this page. It does not get the job done as fast as a nasa but you don't notice the noise at all. I can sit near it and read the paper without it bothering me.

So if keeping the brew day short is your priority go for the nasa. However there are quieter and cheaper options including one like mine or a three/four ring burner amongst others.
I have a burner just like Aaron's and I use a 30L electric urn as my HLT. Very quiet operation, and it get the job done.

Even with a brace of NASAs, you are shaving minutes - not hours - off your brew day.

I also use a corona style mill, so I am fairly relaxed and comfortable about the length of a brew day ;) Corona mills are whisper quiet too B)
I also use a 30L urn for my HLT. (Got it free! without the lid though.)

So far the nasa sounds quite good. Apparently not as noisy as I'd heard according to you guys (or perhaps you've all gone deaf from working too close to it!). But there still looks to be something to the good old 4 ring burner. I'd love to see a side by side test of the two.

Hopefully, some time in the near future, I'll be getting my acquisitive hands on a keg or two... Of course the final test will be getting the funding approved by the SWMBO :unsure:

Thanks guys for the info and general comments about burners.
Another thing to add about the 4-rings is they're so brutally large that the 4th ring won't sit under some kettles. I have a 60 litre ali pot so that's not an issue for me, but my HLT is an old keg that i only run 3 rings under.

I too prefer a burner that doesn't sound like a jumbo taking off. I guess loud noises don't bother some of these old fellas as much.
Kai said:
I too prefer a burner that doesn't sound like a jumbo taking off. I guess loud noises don't bother some of these old fellas as much.

I reckon there is a strong correlation between age and nasa burners........................... and muscle cars ............................. and Goldwing bikes :ph34r: .............

wee stu, last seen rolling up like a hedgehog in disgruntled mentor approaching mode :eek:
The noise is good - beats the dog and cocky next door!!
Have a 3 ring from a disposal store $28 takes 55 min to get 27L to the boil. Turn two rings off to leave a nice rolling boil. So far 9 boils from a half full 9Kg bottle and still going so can't comment on usage, always have a spare full bottle on hand. So it takes a while, nice calm relaxed brew day is what it's all about. Always seem to have things to do while waiting for the boil so time is immetestical.

How does doing a double batch make me a tght arse? :p

I would have got a nasa but i have little kids that sleep while i brew near where i brew so a low preasure burner was a must.

And the old 3 ring job just wouldnt get 50 to 60 liters to a good rolling boil, especialy in the winter when its 10 deg c in my garage. it only just boils in winter. I get a 5 second roll and then its flat for 10 seconds then it rolls again for 5 sec. Its just not good enough.

The rambo will take care of that!

it shouldnt take me 45 minuites to get it boiling anymor either.

Will see what happens with the soot on sunday!

cheers and will report back.
Go the Nasa. When you start brewing bigger batches you'll really notice the time saving.
My old three ring burner used to take about 35 mins to bring 33 litres to the boil. My Nasa takes 14 minutes to bring 47 litres to the boil.
The noise is no real issue as it is only the 14 minutes that it is at full noise. After that it is quieter than a three ring burner.

Joel said:
How noisy are they? I've heard that they are quite loud, which might be a bit of a turn-off. I'm wondering if anyone has done a noise (dB) test to measure how loud they are?

And how much gas would you go through for a 90 min boil?

What other names do they sell under?

This is how noisy they are Joel.

Here is a smallish (1.8 MB) quicktime movie of one flying over my house a few Saturdays ago.

Pains in the a## as they usually travel in packs of 6 at about 7 in the morning.


View attachment P2042690.MOV
Just got a quote the other day ... Gameco Brisbane :

Hp burner $81.71 +GST

Regulator $40.51 + GST

Regulator adaptor $6.47 + GST

1.2 m hose to regulator $12.26 +GST

Postage-------------$12.57 + GST

TOTAL COST IS $168.80. INCL GST. :eek: :eek: :blink:

How does that compare with others experiences?
Aaron said:
I have a ring burner that you can see on this page. It does not get the job done as fast as a nasa but you don't notice the noise at all. I can sit near it and read the paper without it bothering me.

Hi Aaron I have one of those burner's as well but have not thought much of it, what size boil do you do?
Do you notice a difference using it with you keg HLT or your Kettle which is a flat bottomed pot?
I have used mine with a 50L keg kettle and came to the conclusion that it was due to the base of the kettle being a lot higher than the actual flame because of the chimb on the keg. I ended up using an old primus sievert blowtorch which makes a nasa pale into insignificance! and a bottle of gas disapear in the blink of an eye!

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