Brad, I make cider from fresh juice, juice + yeast + mlf culture, that's about it. It's more a process than a recipe. The main consideration is whether you want residual sweetness or not. With the AWRI350 yeast you can "cold crash" by cooling the cider before fermentation is finished, then keg and force carbonate, should make a nice drink if you keg. The other alternative is to backsweeten and pasteurise, this also gives a good drink if you bottle. Myself, I like dry cider so I ferment dry then bottle carbonate with priming sugar. It depends what you want. Hopefully the "fruity ester" character from AWRI350 should give a tasty cider, but I have never tried it so we will have to see. Some people use lactose for sweetness, but there is a bit of a danger that spoilage bacteria will use the lactose and cause off flavours. I haven't tried it myself.