Barley Varieties And Bulk Grain Buying

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Thought this might be interesting read. I've been researching bulk Cereal Rye purchasing in Victoria, and not finding much on offer except to check out the Malee Region, my research interest soon turned to barley and in particular malting varieties and bulk purchasing locations.

First a site you can see current metric ton prices of grains in Australia:
That place would make one hell of a bulk buy location :)

Malting Barley Varieties
(These were from the Victorian DPI, check your local for any additional varieties)

* denotes Plant Breeders Rights apply

Malting barley - BAUDIN *

Released in 2004 Baudin is mid season maturity. Baudin is an alternative malting quality variety to Gairdner in 375-500mm rainfall districts, but should not be grown in areas with greater than 500 mm annual average rainfall due to leaf disease susceptibility. Baudin is more susceptible to scald and leaf rust than Gairdner, with superior grain plumpness in years with dry and hot spring conditions. The variety is a shorter plant type than Gairdner and less likely to lodge. Seed available from AWB seeds.

Malting barley - BULOKE *

An early to mid season maturing variety released in 2004. Buloke has best adaptation in regions of southern Australia with 325mm 450mm annual rainfall. Buloke has medium straw strength, similar to Gairdner, moderately good head retention, similar to Sloop VIC and is tolerant of pre harvest sprouting similar to Gairdner. Average grain plumpness is similar or slightly inferior to Schooner but superior to Gairdner. Buloke has a growth habit similar to Barque, with slower growth compared to all Sloop varieties and is tall, similar to Barque. Buloke is susceptible to cereal cyst nematode (CCN). In Victoria, Buloke flowers about the same time as Schooner, and about 3-4 days later than Sloop SA. Buloke has export malt quality similar to Flagship. Seed available through AWB Seeds.

Malting barley - COMMANDER *

Commander is a mid to late maturing variety best suited to 375-500mm rainfall districts. Commander is susceptible to leaf rust and scald, moderately susceptible to susceptible to SFNB, moderately resistant to moderately susceptible to NFNB. Commander has a domestic malt quality profile, but may have some export market opportunities. The grain size of Commander is superior to all malting barley varieties. Currently Commander is recommend only for northern NSW and Southern QLD barley growing regions. Commander is available through Viterra Seeds.

Malting barley - FAIRVIEW

Fairview is a moderately late maturing variety released under contact by Malteurop in 2008. Fairview is best suited to 400-600mm rainfall districts. The yields of Fairview are similar to Gairdner and Commander in these districts. The grain plumpness of Fairview is superior to Gairdner. The disease profile of Fairview is not yet fully documented in Australia. Limited seed is only available under contract through GrainSearch, Geelong. Fairview has an export malt quality profile and must be marketed through Malteurop.

Malting barley - FLAGSHIP *

Flagship, an export malt variety released in 2006, is a tall, early to mid season maturity variety similar in plant type to Schooner and Sloop and best suited to 350-450mm rainfall regions. Flagship is resistant to CCN and Pratylenchus neglectus. Flagship overall has a high level of foliar leaf disease resistance in the target growing areas. Flagship has excellent early vigour and weed competitiveness but exhibits very severe symptoms of boron toxicity, especially in low rainfall years. Flagship is prone to pre harvest germination and head loss if harvest is delayed. Flagship has a modest straw strength, with lodging resistance similar to Schooner, is free threshing and has good resistance to head loss, significantly better than Schooner. ABB Seeds hold the seed licence. Seed available through Seedmark Pty Ltd.

Malting barley - FRANKLIN *

Limited Franklin is grown in Victoria.

Malting barley - GAIRDNER *

A moderately late maturing variety released in 1998. Gairdner is best suited to 400-600mm rainfall regions. In seasons with favourable spring finishes Gairdner can yield well in lower rainfall districts however not necessarily within malting specifications. Gairdner is very susceptible to SFNB and growers concerned about this disease should avoid this variety. Gairdner has good resistance to NFNB and powdery mildew, but is susceptible to very susceptible to scald. Gairdner is known for high screenings in a dry spring, Gairdner has grain size inferior to all other malting varieties with good head retention, slightly inferior to Baudin. The variety is inherently low in grain protein (0.7% lower than Schooner) and appropriate nitrogen management is essential to avoid excessively low protein levels. Gairdner has a domestic malt quality profile but has been accepted in some export markets. Markets for Gairdner are established and stable at this point in time. Gairdner has no EPR. Seed available through Seedmark Pty Ltd.

Malting barley - SCHOONER

Released in 1983 Schooner is a widely adapted, mid season variety. Schooner is susceptible to CCN, susceptible to very susceptible to powdery mildew, moderately susceptible to leaf scald and moderately susceptible to susceptible to SFNB scald and moderately resistant to moderately susceptible to NFNB. Schooner is now considered outclassed by Baudin, Buloke and Flagship for export markets. Schooner has no EPR.

Malting barley - SLOOP - SLOOP SA - SLOOP Vic

All Sloop types are malting varieties of similar maturity to Schooner, providing good adaptation over a wide range of environments, especially low rainfall regions. They have relatively poor leaf disease resistance and seed should be treated with systemic seed treatments. SloopVic is CCN resistant with moderate boron tolerance. SloopSA has shown greater tendency for head loss than Sloop. Declining market demand has resulted in limited areas of all Sloop types in Victoria. All varieties have been outclassed by Buloke and Flagship with regards to malting types and Hindmarsh as a feed variety.

Malting barley - VLAMINGH *

Released from Western Australia in 2006, Vlamingh is best suited to the 250-500mm rainfall zones. Vlamingh yields are significantly lower than Buloke in all growing regions of Victoria. Seed available from COGGO seeds.

Brewer Pete