Thanks for all the hard work Brad, much appreciated, grain is home and housed!
And I'm with Parks, we need to sort something out around splits, Ross wasn't too happy about it this morning, which I can well understand too.
What's the plan with pickup and splits?
I'm available on Saturday morning to help out if that's to go after not being able to help last time. If we do make it then I can also pick up grain for other west siders if they need (I'm in Kenmore).
A huge thanks to brad for organising!
Sorry mate, I wasn't 100% that the delivery date was confirmed. I'm available for 30min to an hour on Saturday to assist doing whatever if need be and this can be any time in the morning.
I guess what I'm asking everyone is what time are we getting there?
Also, I promise I'll at least have an order from you Ross seeing as I'm coming all the way over![]()
Glad to see a wanna be helper offering up all this advice and new rules yet not having organised one himself. Where would you like your little gold star placed?I think it's pretty clear that if we don't run these better Ross will stop allowing them.
I gathered from the brief conversation this morning we should -
1. Whole sacks only, I've heard this before but only this morning saw first hand the nuisance factor.
2. Organiser to have a list to be checked off on the day
3. We need 100% confirmed collection time set so people can work to that
4. Some form of reward for the organiser for incentive (maybe freight paid by others)
5. Only ever 1 pallet at a time, more frequently
Just thought I'd put this out there preemptively so Ross knows we will try harder in the future.
Thanks again Ross, and thanks Brad for organising the cash and order.
Glad to see a wanna be helper offering up all this advice and new rules yet not having organised one himself. Where would you like your little gold star placed?
I took on the organising of the spreadsheet and payment of this Bbuy because I seen how quickly it was building into a mess. I stated from the start that I would not be able to help once the order was made due to work commitments.
31 people placed orders yet not a single one stood up to take the job of splitting, labeling bags and control the mahem on pick up day(which is the easiest part). So I then put my hand up to do this.
I made arrangements to do this the day before pick up day. The grain delivery was delayed due to **** that was out of everyones control. I was about to head over to CB at 12.30 friday and called CB , Ross explained the situation so I did not go over, the grain did not arrive until 3.30 friday arv. From my place to CB on a friday arv at that time was no point me going as the gateway is a carpark at that time. As I stated a few times I would not be able to do it today.
On the 2 occasions I started a bulk buy at the old shop I made sure I would be available for all organising and had most bags split and labeled before 10.00 on the saturday of pick up. Believe me the splitting and labelling is the easiest part of organising a Bbuy.
There just needs to be one simple rule.
Dont post up for the need of a new Bbuy unless you are prepared to do the organising from start to finish. And people should not add to a list unless an organiser is established.
The organiser should not get a reward, what a toss that is.
Simply i will not take over another spreadsheet ,payment and order again. If i want to organise one I will start one.
End of pissed off rant.
End of pissed off rant.
I was there with Parks, WE sorted the grain by category, to the important bit is what can we ALL take from it to make the next one run smoother?
I thought Wobblythongs had already done that? Well thats what he was doing when I was there.
Now I have organised one, and I AM seconding Parks' idea, if you want half a bag buy one, Ross has 'em for sale after all. But what we can't keep doing is ordering in bulk, and then using his scales and scoops to do our splits. Either we bring our own or we don't order half bags; if you want to split a bag with a mate sort out who orders it, pool your money and take the bag home and split it.
It should be the organisers responsibility to say if he will accept splits and how many pallets. If they allow splits they must provide their own scales and do the splits. As I have done in the past when starting and organising one.
Mate, I was not having a go at you at all. As you can clearly see from my posts there was no actual organisation that had been decided on and at no point had the delivery date or pickup times been established.
Was not taking it as you having a go. Pretty sure the delivery date was part of the payment details PM.
I had not been to a bulk buy before hence me not knowing the protocol and asking and offering.
Now that I know what the go is I would be more than happy to attempt the next one.
The reward idea was simply put out there as incentive to have someone organise it, which clearly most participants aren't able or wanting to.
I still dont like the idea. Its just something you do to support the brewing brotherhood.
My ideas were just getting things out there so we don't have this situation again.
Yes it was a mess and a bit rushed this time. But if everyone follows the Simple rule that a posted the next one will be a smooth one.
Stay tuned I have an idea that I will get up this afternoon.