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G'day all,

Insomnia is a bitch. You lie there for hours willing yourself to go to sleep, but that only makes matters worse as you start getting stressed by the sleep your not having and the ever incessant tick tock bringing your "wake up" time closer and closer. It's a vicious cycle. Stressed because you can't sleep, can't sleep because your stressed!

So what do you do?

You brew!

The wee hours of this morning found me in the kitchen brewing up another batch of "Uncle Arthur's Famous Falling Over Water" (or UAFFOW for short). I have to admit, it's a nice time to be brewing. No one getting in your way, no one hassling you because you're messin' up the kitchen (which they've "just spent hours cleaning" etc etc). You just get in there, do what needs doing, clean up and head back to bed feeling tired and ready for sleep.

As an added bonus, I'm now in HWMBO's good books because the kitchen was cleaner when he woke up than when he went to bed. He was also pleasantly surprised to find the floor had even been mopped - but I didn't dare tell him it was because I left the tap on when I poured the boiling hot worth into the fermenter and nearly flooded the place.

So next time you're lying in bed and can't sleep, I highly recommend a midnight brewing session. I was asleep before my head hit the pillow when I finally got back to bed.

I completely agree.

I've never suffered from insomnia but am a natural night owl. (years of gigging as a musician will do that to ya)

However, i quite often deliberately wait until the rest of the family has gone to sleep, and started brewing at around midnight. My kitchen overlooks the lounge room, so i shut all the doors, put on a dvd, and happily brew away! It's so much easier to get into a good rhythm when you're left alone to brew.

As an added bonus, I'm now in HWMBO's good books because the kitchen was cleaner when he woke up than when he went to bed.

Funny you should say that, it crossed my mind yesterday after I bottled a batch how spotless the kitchen was when I started, and therefore when I finished.

The same can't be said for the krausen caked barrels soaking in the bathtub for days afterwards. <_<
G'day all,

Insomnia is a bitch. You lie there for hours willing yourself to go to sleep, but that only makes matters worse as you start getting stressed by the sleep your not having and the ever incessant tick tock bringing your "wake up" time closer and closer. It's a vicious cycle. Stressed because you can't sleep, can't sleep because your stressed!

So what do you do?

You brew!

The wee hours of this morning found me in the kitchen brewing up another batch of "Uncle Arthur's Famous Falling Over Water" (or UAFFOW for short). I have to admit, it's a nice time to be brewing. No one getting in your way, no one hassling you because you're messin' up the kitchen (which they've "just spent hours cleaning" etc etc). You just get in there, do what needs doing, clean up and head back to bed feeling tired and ready for sleep.

As an added bonus, I'm now in HWMBO's good books because the kitchen was cleaner when he woke up than when he went to bed. He was also pleasantly surprised to find the floor had even been mopped - but I didn't dare tell him it was because I left the tap on when I poured the boiling hot worth into the fermenter and nearly flooded the place.

So next time you're lying in bed and can't sleep, I highly recommend a midnight brewing session. I was asleep before my head hit the pillow when I finally got back to bed.

as a long term suffering insomniac i sympathise. go stilnox!
however brewing the old UAFFOW is not the answer. all that dex :icon_vomit: please invest in some brewing books and read during the long quiet lonely nights. not only will lern more about brewing but arm yourself with knowledge so you can brew better beers when the insomnia strikes.

I normally do a biit of brew reading and then break out the uni books. you dont learn anything cause your so tired, but god its boring and puts you to sleep!

loving the daylightr savings and summer atm. means when i get home late there is still enough time to get a brew in. night brewing requires more lighting than i currently have