BrewPiLess. BrewPi on a single Wifi board.

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Random question
If you're wiring both the temp probes together how the hell does the board distinguish the two sets of info?
Can anyone help me identify which side is the live and neutral (J1 / C1 on the board)? Or does it not matter?
I tried to use the pictures above but the yellow/blue combo threw me.
I'm using the "Thorak BrewPi D1 Mini Breakout Board"
If someone is using one, are they able to take a shot of their wiring please? I'm struggling to piece together the diagram into this format.
Specifically not sure where the DS18B20 and the DC attaches
Below is what I have so far.
Thanks heaps for any help. This is a first project so I'm struggling a bit.
And before anyone gets too worried I'm getting a sparky mate to check it before I fire it up.
Almost always these small circuit boards will be labeled on one side or the other in such a way that it's generally obvious.
You have a mains voltage supply in what appears to be an Aus format: just be vary careful to wire this correctly, there is no plus or minus with mains supply because its AC.
Sometimes boards will have short fly leads mounted on the board & if you see this in red & black colours it's low voltage & polarity does matter. Red is + & black is - sowetimes referred to as Neaural.
If you just see + & - markings its low voltage, make your connections in the conventional colours, red & black.
Hope that is of some help.
Thank you so much!
Definitely helped confirmed a few things. I thought better to ask than to go bull at a gate.
Yes, some of it is marked but some of it doesn't make any sense to me. I'll go back to the top and bottom copper layers and figure it out (
Have the board flashed and I think everything's ready for my sparky mate to check it.
Few questions about it only being on USB power;
- Should the screen work? atm all I've got it a backlight on, no data.
- On the brewpiless webpage the temp and beer profile is showing top left, but no graph is logging on the main part of the screen. Is there a way to fix this?
Thanks again
Ok so wiring is all good.
Still have the same problems; webpage not graphing and screen not displaying anything (brightness has been turned down).
Any ideas before I start troubleshooting?
Have the board flashed and I think everything's ready for my sparky mate to check it.
Few questions about it only being on USB power;
- Should the screen work? atm all I've got it a backlight on, no data.

The screen needs 5V. Ensure the power for the screen is coming from the AC-DC convertor and not the 3.3v on the wemos.
Finally got my brewpi setup on a breadboard for now until the pcb arrives. But it works great especially alongside my ISpindel

Anyone using the ispindel know the trick to get abv to display? I set the og and am running a local log

@Ferment8 can you add a sample at any time in fermentrack and have the tilt / ispindel formula update on the fly without being in a “calibrate” mode.

I find that is one negative with brewpiless. I have two fermenters running brewpiless and am considering testing out fermentrack.
@Ferment8 can you add a sample at any time in fermentrack and have the tilt / ispindel formula update on the fly without being in a “calibrate” mode.

I find that is one negative with brewpiless. I have two fermenters running brewpiless and am considering testing out fermentrack.
If i understand you correctly, yes you can. While it is running you can add an angle and gravity and it will update it no problems
I’ve moved over and yep any time you add a reading in it will update the formula. That’s awesome, I also love having the option of detaching a ispindel from fermenter and attaching another. I am now rotating 3 between 2 fermenters and this just wasn’t possible with brewpiless.

There are only two things I see missing and that’s the ability to control profile by gravity and also the temp sensor from the ispindel isn’t visible from what I can tell. Both minor issues I see Thorak has been working on the gravity control.
I ordered the parts to build one of these for myself as my Arduino has an issue with sometimes not turning off the relays... It cooked a pale ale up to 35C before I caught it...

Has anyone had any luck running Fermentrack in a Docker? I've got a NAS that has Docker and I was wondering if anyone here has had luck. I see that someone did build a Docker for Fermentrack ( but it hasn't been updated in a while.