I'd never heard of a Photon until about 30 mins ago
It will be very handy for another project I'm working on that I need a small, light and very simple interface to the CANBUS in a car.
For me I picked RasPi because it runs an OS I'm intimately familiar with, a language I wasn't so much (but wanted to learn) and for me the cost wasn't even a concern. I actually chose it after trying a BeagleBone Black - that is much more overkill
Yes the RPI is still overkill, but what you consider overkill I probably consider flexibility
Can you SSH to a Photon, for example?
I don't want to use 3rd party cloud services. I dislike sending my data, any data, to any external service. I want it locally in a database I control on hardware I control, then I can do as I wish with the data rather than being at the mercy of a 3rd party which may disappear overnight (an extreme example, granted). Then again I am a software developer who likes to do everything himself (again, overkill).
At the end of the day just about everything (even photon) could be considered overkill - all you
really need is an STC1000 to maintain a stable ferment temp and plenty of others could successfully argue you don't even need that level of control to make great homebrew.
Anyway, apologies again for polluting your thread - I really like your project and I'd love to have a closer look at the code on Github. I'll put up a thread for mine in the next few days.