Brewing Now - Have No Hop Bag!

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Kings Cross Brewery
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Im doing a brew right now, and have just realised I dont have a bag for hops, my usual one was thrown out

what should I do?! I need to add them in 30 mins... just throw them in?

doing a 65l batch with 150g hops
What are they,pellets , plugs

I just chuck pellets in without a hop bag

yeh just pellets. Will just chuck em in.

Also another question - got a vile of White Labs WLP009 Australian ale yeast. Will this be enough for 65L without a starter?

cheers alex
what do you need the bag for, be part of the not so cool crowd? :unsure:
yeh just pellets. Will just chuck em in.

Also another question - got a vile of White Labs WLP009 Australian ale yeast. Will this be enough for 65L without a starter?

cheers alex

65ltr? one little vial. NO
If you have a tap - try whirlpooling at the end of your boil. We did this for the first time last night and it worked well - all the hops left in a pile in the centre of the pot. At flameout, stir the wrt into a good brisk vortex (minimise splashing), put the lid on and leave it to settle itself down for ten minutes while you prepare for your next step or RDWHAHB.

Or pour it through a sieve - this takes ages though as the hop matter soon blocks the sieve - not really recommended for 65l.

We also had an accident several brews ago where all the hop matter ended up in the fermenter. It was cloudy as buggery but still tasted fine - so its no disaster if you don't manage to separate it out.

Good luck:)
One step at at time huh Captain, q1 how do you do a 65 ltr in the fermenter? i.e 80, 100 ltr boiler, q2, dont do that aeration thingy above chilled temp with that amount otherwise cardboard and sherry here you come.q3 OP, how did you get on?
65ltr? one little vial. NO

shit.. I've never really looked into no chill..

Should I use my CF chiller as normal, then just pitch the yeast tomorrow (will get more). Or should I not chill, and let it cool overnight, then pitch tomorrow?
One step at at time huh Captain, q1 how do you do a 65 ltr in the fermenter? i.e 80, 100 ltr boiler, q2, dont do that aeration thingy above chilled temp with that amount otherwise cardboard and sherry here you come.q3 OP, how did you get on?

I have a 100l kettle, and a 75L fermenter. I put the whole lot in there.
shit.. I've never really looked into no chill..

Should I use my CF chiller as normal, then just pitch the yeast tomorrow (will get more). Or should I not chill, and let it cool overnight, then pitch tomorrow?

Or should I not chill, and let it cool overnight, then pitch tomorrow?

THAT ONE, hopefully you do it really quick, so quick you may even need too chill in the morning.
If you have no cube for 65ltrs I doubt the 1st option is viable, but hey your the one flying by the seat of your pants. Enjoy.
mate, people have been brewing for 100's of years by just thowing them in, i wouldn't hesitate.

part 2 - for 65L you will be looking at around a minimum of a 8L starter with 2 vials of aussie ale, or 6 vials withouta starter

personally i would ferment out 10L of your wort with 1 vial, then pitch the whole thing, slurry and all into the fermenter of the remaining 55L

considering you probably dont have a fridge/freezer big enough to hold your wort in the interim before pitching, get yourself atleast 3 vials and pitch away. you will be underpitching, but not as bad as underpitching with just 1 little vial.
:lol: :lol: You are 'pulling the piss", you are right?........If not I can't stop laughing.
If not, the above is enough. :lol:
alright, will go straight to the fermenter without chilling, then pitch in the morning.

I'll have about 15L headspace in the fermenter. Should i put an airlock on it or seal till morning
Yes, Airlock and all... seal it up good like!

I no-chill in my fermenter and am yet to have a problem in 18 odd brews...

Just remember to aerate prior to pitching tomorrow!!
Hmm at that size I reckon you won't be able to pitch until at least tomorrow evening. Put a plug of cotton wool in the grommet. Suggest right NOW to put as many PETs full of water into the freezer as it can hold. then tomorrow morning surround the vessel with frozen PETs and wrap the whole thing in a spare doonah.

As an example my last brew of 22 L got cubed at around 4pm and was still 32 degrees the next morning, and that was in a jerry can that has far better surface to volume area than a fermenter so cools quicker.

Did the PET thing and pitched at 22 degrees in the evening.
ive got a good fermenting fridge so will put it in there, will chill it down a bit quicker.

thanks guys.. bit of a disaster tonight! Thats what happens when u get home from work at 5, have a few beers, then do a brew with no preparation!!

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