I thought the same when I read Pete's post this morning. Why would you invite people to post their opinions on a topic and then laugh at their "stupid" posts with your mentor who "KNOWS" brewing?
Pete, people who know you personally may have taken this differently, but for those of us who don't you come across as an elitist, a troll, and kind of a ****. Good luck with your brewing.
I can also see that several of the above answers are stupid if read in context to the original question as it is a question which begs proof.
As for Palmer and waiting until Chapter 15, I just looked up Chapter 1. People say I write long posts. Find one post I have written as long as this and gives less practical, easy to read advice. And, that is just page 1 of Palmer!
Personaly I have never read Palmers book so I cant comment on the content but I know its not a recommended text for brewing studies.
Myth: No-chill will kill you.
This is the biggest myth of all! The truth is that it CAN (not will) kill you, it's just such a small chance that it hasn't happened yet
edit: haha I should practice what I preach.. no more no chill comments I promise
With the upcoming Olympics,we should be trying to enter a new event-Backpedalling.Looks like a few people missed my apology above.
There were a few replies that missed the point early in the thread. There were only a couple, not lots like I stated and I called them stupid. That was dumb. I am not calling brewers here stupid.
Why I was laughing on the phone that night was because we were chatting about stupid things that are handed on with authority. I gave some examples of things that I handed on in a similiar manner in my earlier brewing days. So I was laughing at myself as well. It was funny but wrote that post very badly.
My Fents popcorn post did not mean to imply that I was sitting here laughing at people's replies. I was trying to say in a funny way that I didn't have time to write.
Anyway, I stuffed up. Thanks to those of you who have seen that and then graciously continued to offer valuable stuff here. As for others who can't accept my apology, I know several of you guys enjoy these opportunities so please feel free to capitilise on my errors and have yourselves some fun eh?
The rest of you who can see the one or two valid questions I was trying to ask, I'll keep looking forward to your answers.
With the upcoming Olympics,we should be trying to enter a new event-Backpedalling.
There could be a Gold on the horizon there.
I think the mods need to implement a system where posts by pat made between 9pm and 7am are not publicly viewable until he's made his edit... then again, perhaps he could start thinking before he posted and then wouldnt need to edit every postWhoops! Knew I didn't do enough morning edits today
I thought everyone here knew to ignore anything I write after 9pm! I apologise about the "stupid." comment which was over the top and purely due to me reading from a very narrow angle - probably slightly tilted as well
Just got up to do my morning edits :blink: I reckon I'm just going to leave everything as it is (though my post above probably need a very heavy edit) and turn my computer off for a few days. Stuster and braufrau, thanks a heap for your posts above. You two always post really well. What's your secret? I desperately need some lessons! Thanks and a big :icon_cheers: to you.
myth 2: pilsener based beers will stink of DMS if no-chilled
No smell of vegies in this beer!
myth 23c) Kit twang is inevitable ... if you buy fresh extact there is no twang and if you don't believe me read Jamil' book.
IMO - "Kit Twang" exists in the mind of elitist AG's and nowhere else.
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