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Are there any brewers that frequent AHB studying Grad Cert/Dip at Ballarat?
I wish :(

Don't have time to scratch myself, let alone do another course, would love to get out of the IT industry and into something else, just waiting to see what.......

Geelong could really do with something like Flying Horse, especially down by the water front, but rent would kill you there. Then again, Geelong is pretty full of knuckleheads.
i wanted to do the course when they had it a nmit but now its moved to some wharehouse in melbs. no way i could travel to ballarat to do it either.
I know that this is not specifically on topic, but does anyone know a Uni that is good for microbiology? I am seriously considering doing science postgrad, but maybe general microbiology rather than brewing science.
Im currently studying at Ballarat doing the Grad Cert of malting and brewing and im finding it really interesting. (its by correspondence and online fents, very little travel)

The first semester is pretty much all about raw materials and malting with the second being brewing and a work shop.

My impression at the moment is all good and im looking forward to completing the course with a lot more knowledge.

Im currently studying at Ballarat doing the Grad Cert of malting and brewing and im finding it really interesting. (its by correspondence and online fents, very little travel)

The first semester is pretty much all about raw materials and malting with the second being brewing and a work shop.

My impression at the moment is all good and im looking forward to completing the course with a lot more knowledge.


How long do you spend away from home doing it this way?
What does it qualify you too do?
I started the course this year. Sounds like we'd be in the same course. I'm really enjoying it at the moment. It definitely helped me understand water chemistry which is a subject i've never had any luck understanding before.

Im currently studying at Ballarat doing the Grad Cert of malting and brewing and im finding it really interesting. (its by correspondence and online fents, very little travel)

The first semester is pretty much all about raw materials and malting with the second being brewing and a work shop.

My impression at the moment is all good and im looking forward to completing the course with a lot more knowledge.


hi mate have you got a link or something as to how i hook all this up, and also when and how many times do you actually have to travel?
How long do you spend away from home? 1 week at the work shop
What does it qualify you to do? Gives you a Grad Cert In Malting and Brewing
Link (look up Ballarat Uni)
Intake is once a year by written application and i think they take around 20 a year but look up the details under the course section on the Ballarat uni website.
I'm doing the first subject "Brewing Raw Materials" right now. Finding it hard to find the time to actually do the work but struggling thru and enjoying it so far.

Any one of you guys done the online test yet? Just wondering if it'll be hard. What a nerd i am.
I haven't done it yet either and am wondering how hard it is too.

I'll prolly leave it until pretty close to the end-June cutoff date to attack it & hope by then that some info has sunk in.

Do you need a previous degree or anything to do this course?

Yes or industry exp

Yum and Jez i have not completed it yet but will on tuesday as im going OS on Wed so both the test and ass will have to be done before i leave.
Yes or industry exp

what did you guys have as previous experience?

I have a bachelor in business.. would this be acceptable or would they be looking for something in the science or food industry?
what did you guys have as previous experience?

I have a bachelor in business.. would this be acceptable or would they be looking for something in the science or food industry?

Ive got a Bachelor of Applied Science
i have a bachelor of business too
Not doing the Ballarat course, but due to sit the exam for unit one of the Diploma of Brewing from the IBD on June 2nd - not even close to ready really, but I have week or two to cram yet.
If I remember correctly, Wasabi on here is either a lecturer or tutor and kevinlis is studying there at the moment (correct me if I'm wrong guys!)

Just realised the ballarat brewers need to get another get-together happening, ah well, guess it will be me again! :rolleyes:
If I remember correctly, Wasabi on here is either a lecturer or tutor and kevinlis is studying there at the moment (correct me if I'm wrong guys!)

Just realised the ballarat brewers need to get another get-together happening, ah well, guess it will be me again! :rolleyes:
correct me if i am wrong but i thought wasabi is a food tech student studying full time at the uni concentrating on brewing, diploma in food tech science.

I have been trying to work out how to get enough money together for this for about 3-4 years now but as a rock 'n roll live sound engineer in this climate it just hasn't come together.

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