There is still time to enrol into The Melbourne Advanced Brewing Short Course. For those of you who do not know about this course, it has been designed to improve your skills and demystify the art of grain brewing. Learn, also, to avoid the pitfalls and myths that are going around. Follow these simple but important steps and you will be guaranteed good results every time. This is the best value for money course around.
The next course starts
July 2nd, so be quick and don't miss out. Just click here to enroll and get further details.
Oh, and for those who have grain brewed a long time you will be happy to know that I have had students on my course who have been grain brewing for 20 years and still found it incredibly useful.
Vince C
P.S if you'd like to drop me a line send your query/comments to
[email protected]
The next course starts on August 27th. I'm excited about this one because I recently tasted a fantastic beer with my class made by James Squires (you can't get it anymore as it was a one off). I will be replicating this one in this course because it was big on malt, big on hops and balanced with high alcohol and esters. Yum! So this is one you will not want to miss.
As before you can enroll by going to
Cheers and hope to see you there.