Brewboard Offline

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Doctor's Orders Brewing
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Brewboard is currently offline due to performance probs.
The Brewboard is offline again due to performance issues. Nothing has crashed (yet), but I'm taking it offline as a preventative measure while we investigate....

I wonder if our recent performance issues are an indication of some issues with the board software as we both utilise Invision Board.
I hope not.

Is it still down? I tried to access BB and my browser was unable to get an error message; it kept trying to load something that was obviously not there.
Just tried now and it is up.

OK - let's try this again. The database has once AGAIN been restored to pre-server-migration status, so old posts will have to be restarted, and recent accounts will have to be reregistered. I will try to make daily backups until we get these database problems resolved, so hopefully we won't have to loose all this data any more.

* The root problem still hasn't been identified yet and may return, so don't be surprised if the board goes on and offline as we continue to research it.
* Old posts have been deleted to reduce the size of our database. I think part of the problem is we have an enormous database that mysql is having trouble with, so unfortunately I had to prune some sections of any topics that have not been active in over a year.
* If you had some old favorite topics bookmarked, I'm sorry for the loss, but getting the board back online was a bigger priority. I may still be able to recover some stuff from the old backup, but that's a much lower priority now. Going forward, we can try to implement a process to save the really good topics (maybe move thgem to a Hall of Fame subforum?).
I've been trying to get onto Brewboard for the last couple of days, but it is offline.

Jan 4: The brewboard is undergoing database repair. Due to the size of the database, the repair process could take some time - maybe a day or more. Please bear with us. ~kroyster

Was anyone online before it went offline, to know how long it is likely to be down ?

I've been trying to get onto Brewboard for the last couple of days, but it is offline.
Was anyone online before it went offline, to know how long it is likely to be down ?


I was online Wednesday, but when I tried yesterday I saw the message you posted.

I've been trying to get onto Brewboard for the last couple of days, but it is offline.
Was anyone online before it went offline, to know how long it is likely to be down ?


Im also starting to have withdrawals :lol:

Maybe PM CJ, he isnt a mod any more but may still know.
Well their board has this message:

Jan 4: The brewboard is undergoing database repair. Due to the size of the database, the repair process could take some time - maybe a day or more. Please bear with us. ~kroyster

So I'm guessing 1 to 2 days...

cheers Ross
Cj doesn't know. This post on the NB site is full of those craving a greenboard fix. Not me, though, I'm not missing it at all. Really I'm not.

Phew. Looks like it is getting closer.

an 6 4:15pm

Database repair seems to be complete. I have also taken this opportunity to upgrade the brewboard software. Upgrade is almost complete, with only some clean up and "skin" synchronization to tweak. I'm hoping to have the board back online by this evening.

Thank you for your patience!!


HOORAY its back up :)

.... ah thats better... the itching has stopped.
Down again. Not that it bothers me though. I can cope without my fix information portal.
It's up and down more often than a strumpet's skirt. <_<

Warren -

Although it sounds like they are trying to sort the problems out.

Please keep in mind that I am (or was, until I had to deal with this crash) in the process of migrating to a new server that *should* resolve all of these problems.

Getting closer to being online.
It is online for the Mods for testing.

For everyone else

Update: Overall the new server is working well, but we have identified a few problems that require further research before going live. I will have to dig into that tonight after work. If it looks like it will take much longer than that, I may just go back to the old server while I continue my research.

And it is back, and on a new server :wub:

The brewboard web site is being attended to by tech support.
No files or data have been lost.
I am told that a fix *should* be in place within an hour.

kroyster (Happy New Year!!)

just how many brew sites are you web-forum brewsluts frequenting?
AHB is all i need :beer:

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