Gravity fed is simple and no pumps to maintain, that said it's also a PITA filling the HLT.
I have a two piece setup.
One holds the HLT, mashtun and the pump (and will eventually have the HX of the HERMS) and the second is purely to hold the burner/kettle.
Having spent a while lifting buckets of hot water onto chairs sitting on tables, I love my system now....
Built from metalmate from Bunnings..
The gradual crawl toward a full on HERMES continues, shown here in the single batch configuration. Will be giving the pump a run recirculating the mash out tomorrow then I just have to complete the control box and replace the temp probe and Robert's-your-fathers-brother. The control box will end up facing the right side I think.
View attachment 48554
Ha, it's for cleaning the HLT.Holy snappin crackers winkle, thats lookin pretty bling mate! Is the ladder just in case Butters ever drops over for a look?
How many L is the herms vessel?
when you got 80lt pots its a bit harder to make a gravity system. But it was always my option then I thought once I ****** my back lifting 52lts of wort in a pot upto a burner, that there will be some lifting involved lol. I need a level floor though as I still need to measure my water on a level surface and lift it in but with smaller batches.