I've done it.
It was a Bell's Two Hearted clone in an FKJ, which has something like 22-23 L of total volume. I did my usual 8.5 L batch size, at my usual pressure of 15 psi.
From memory, I bottled the whole batch without CO2 connected. Not that it matters – once you've formed a siphon, you could crack the lid open and continue using a bottling wand/gun indefinitely, provided your bottle is below the level of where you are drawing beer from.
I pseudo bulk primed each bottle with about half the usual priming sugar. You need to calculate the volume of dissolved CO2 based on your fermentation pressure and temperature, and find the remaining carbonation (and hence sugar) needed to hit your target.
However, I did notice this batch oxidised faster than previous batches. I'm not sure if it's because I had less sugar in the bottle to help the yeast eat O2, OR if it's because I'd kegged so long by that point and done either closed or zero-transfer brewing, that I've been spoiled by hoppy beers that stay fresh indefinitely.