Bottle Collection - Cleaning

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Hi to all,

I am in the process of replacing my bottles that I will be using to bottle by saving the tallies I buy buy from the bottel'o.

To help on saving time & water on the cleaning process, I was thinking of cleaning the bottle out just after the contents have been consumed and placing the cap back on until it's time to use them - which I expect would be around 2 - 3 weeks.

What ya reckon ??

Fritzables. <_<
I find the bunnings cheapo garbage bins good, fill em up with water and a decent dash of unscented bleach. Bottles just need rinsing and sanitising on bottling day....well that's the theory. Reality has me chucking crusty bottles in there when I want to bottle, then waiting a couple of days while everything gets un-gunked.
Would work if you had discipline though :D
All it takes is 3 quick, wash/rinses after you finish pouring the good stuff out. Store upside down to let it dry completely, like overnight. Then a quick cleaning/sanitisation just before you bottle. I use some boiling water then iodophor.

Leaving the bottles unrinsed after use is making so much more cleaning for you to do..
Hi Fritzables,

I do exactly that, rinse a couple of times soon after consumption (within 12hrs or so), then rinse in idophor solution prior to bottling.

With the idophor solution you can reuse it for many bottles, so I get away with just one bucket of the stuff for a whole batch ( ~ 60 Stubbies ).

Also helps if you store them in a cupboard or at least somewhere where they are not going to collect too much dust.
Thanks guys,

Much appreciated.

I guess I have become paranoid about the water issue up in Brisbane - before long I reckon we'll see the mud coming through the pipes as the dams approach 10%.

Take Care.

I've found that rinsing after consumption and then proper washing in the morning with a rinse of clean water and allow to air dry (after letting the bottle sit for most if the day upside down to drain) allows me to get away with a rinse of no-rinse sanitiser before bottling

I've had mud come through the pipes but that was due to construction work rather than the general quality of the water. Still, taste wise it's sometimes hard to tell.
hi Fritzables,i would recommend investing in a bottle drying tree.

i rinse my bottles in hot water after consumption then they reside upside down on the beer tree until i spray some iodophor in them just before bottling.

holds 50 odd tallies,thats nearly 2 brews!

i once as an experiment left a coopers pale ale bottle i had drunk un washed for a few weeks and when i checked a month later it was full of mould and growth so yeha tis up to you
Yea, have been looking at those trees, so yes, I will invest.

I have a couple of bottle that I opened over the weekend, drank the cotents, washed in HOT water - soaked in warm water for about 2 hours - left upside down in the washing up rack over night, recapped - so I will give them a week and see what happens over that time.

I have access to a chemists lab at work so I will get them to see if they find anything nasty I should know about.
