Bottle Bombs!

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Not a Beer God
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so last night at about 4am i dreamt i heard a very loud glass smash. went back to sleep as you do thinking i'd dreamed it.

got down to the bar this morning and couldnt work out why it smelt like beer - thought it was the half pint not drunk sitting on the bar.

But NO! glass all over the place. :( 2 bottles blew up last night last night

One bottle was a batch of APA i made and the other bottle was my XMAS case swap kolsch tester :( I soooo hop my xmas case swap isnt buggered.

Anyway i think the APA might have blown and glass hit the case swap stubbie and blown that.

So the rest of the APA - what do i do?

Yes i'll wear eye protection and gloves - but do i just uncap them and re cap? are they saveable?

worst thing is i dont usually bottle, i keg so this is a bit of a PITA.

Word of warning to ALL brewer's - never ever become lazy or complacient. Its bloddy dangerous.
In the year I've been HBing I've had two bottles explode. One I was in the vicinity of, which was rather unpleasant, the other I wasn't; I just discovered the sticky mess weeks down the track. In both cases, the batches themselves were fine, so in my case I would put the problem down to sanitation of a single bottle, rather than over priming.

If I were you, I'd carefully move the offending batch to a safe, isolated place (like in the shed), put a blanket over them and give them a bit more time. If you get more bombs you've overprimed, but if you don't, you'll be fine to drink away!
Next week when voting for our next federal government, take the lot down to your local polling place and give them to people who vote for the party you don't want to win...
Or i'll just bring em all to your place for the swap spills! apa roulette anyone?

ok so they are all now difused - called in the Watsonia bomb squad.

No gushers just a couple slighty overflowing....

So just recap them then?

bloody tasty brew it is too!
Get them chilled... that could stop them from blowing.

only batch I had ever blow had been in the bottle for 4 months before some of them started to go.
Re-cap, she be sweet.
so now they are slowly gushing. pushing the lids off the bottles (which i have opened - lids are just sitting on top of open bottles to stop nastys getting in) by itself.

should i wait till they settle to re cap?

should i throw them in the fridge like they are now (bottles opened - caps just sitting on top) and let em cool then recap?
I recently had my first ever explosion in seven years of brewing. Got up one morning a week ago and the garage smelt very beery. Found the resultant bottle bits the full length and breadth of the garage. I'm glad I wasn't in the vicinity at the time. However, it's now been a week since that one went off - is it safe to assume that it was a one off (bad sanitation, double primed or similar) or should I quickly drink and give away the remainder of the batch (~20 tallies)


I had one, in a PET bottle, in a fridge. Fridge wasn't on at the time, I'd accidently used 1 x Tablespoon of sugar instead of 1 x teaspoon - put a massive hole in the roof of the fridge.

There's power in them thar bottles!

Cheers - Mike
I recently had my first ever explosion in seven years of brewing. Got up one morning a week ago and the garage smelt very beery. Found the resultant bottle bits the full length and breadth of the garage. I'm glad I wasn't in the vicinity at the time. However, it's now been a week since that one went off - is it safe to assume that it was a one off (bad sanitation, double primed or similar) or should I quickly drink and give away the remainder of the batch (~20 tallies)



If they are going off but drinkable, I chill the ferkers and drink ASAP. I need an advanced acetobacter to put me off a brew!

If they are going off but drinkable, I chill the ferkers and drink ASAP. I need an advanced acetobacter to put me off a brew!


That's kind of what i was thinking. How long from the first one to the last should it take if the whole batch is going to go though?

That's kind of what i was thinking. How long from the first one to the last should it take if the whole batch is going to go though?


Chill 'em all, let Cold sort 'em out.

Less sweeping up of glass. :D

But you haven't lived until you've held one while it explodes. You'll need tweezers. :(
Chill the lot down to 1 degree C. If they're off then that might slow it down a bit. You should get a little more time to consume them.
Guys. I was incredibly stupid and bottled a batch of APA at 1.024ish. I racked it twice trying to get it fermenting again but didn't have any luck.

So I bottled it. Nothing happened for weeks, my test bottles had stuff all bubbles in them and I was about to write off the whole batch.

Then they have started blowing up, I think I have lost 7 bottles so far out of about 30 or so, over about a month. I opened one sucessfully after the first one went, but now I'm **** scared to go near them.

What should I do? Cover them up and throw things at the crate till they all go? Or try to chill and burp them?
my old man used to shoot them from a distance.
What should I do?

I greatly value my vision, so the first thing i'd be wearing would be a substantial face shield.

Something that protected the jugular vein would be useful also :)

Then i'd throw a heavy blanket over the crate(s).

Then I guess you could just leave them and see which ones survive.
