Boring Friends With Homebrew Talk

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I've recently had to have 2 very awkward conversations with my grandparents.

The first started with my grandmother telling me how much she likes Crown and how much she hates VB. She only likes lagers, you see, lagers are the best type of beer.

The second involved my grandfather informing me that the difference between Crown and VB is that in VB they use "bitters" (i.e. Agnostura).

Unbelievably, these two conversation occurred a week apart.

I don't talk homebrew too much with my mates because they think it is something Dads do. And I don't talk about their new babies because having babies is something that Dads do.

edit: typo
I'm either lucky or ignorant of the internal yawns. I try and hold back but I do have little passionate rants about tasty beer making and how much I love it. Most people are interested, to an extent, in the process (I try and restrain myself a bit though) and most always ask 'when can I try some of this?' or 'what kinds of beers do you brew? (and when can I try some?).

The only bad thing is when I have none to share (such as at the moment) or I ask '?'what do you like to drink (as not everyone will dig Belgian Dubbel or Chocolate Stout) and they say "oh a few beers - pure blond, Carlton". I'm happy to convert them but I don't want to waste brews on someone saying 'this doesn't taste like beer".

I also know a complete beer nerd who doesn't brew (but knows much more about beers styles than I do) so we can sit at Beer deluxe at fed square after work and discuss beery nerdy geeky stuff from two different perspectives.

A lot of people have hobbies which verge on obsessions. Some of them are open minded enough to extend beyond themselves ("I tinker with bikes, what do you do?" "Oh I make beer." "Cool").

Admittedly I am spending a lot of time here at the moment because my obsession is newly found and I have beer in common with all of you. Music on the other hand.................
I try not to bore the pants off regular folk with my beer talk, and I definitely do not tell them their favourite crap beer is crap... even if they ask me. But if I find someone actually interested, like a colleague I know who brews, I'll happily bore the shit out of those around us by endlessly discussing beer, brews etc. This happens most lunch times these days and I'm not losing any sleep over it. I'm obsessive compulsive and I like beer.
Gav you can always drop around here for a couple of beers you wont bore me

Should try and get Hashie around as well could be an all out beer session
I need more brewer mates in benders... the only other output is the internet and its just not the same..

anyway back to boring people..

I know what you mean there eh. I only know one other person in Horsham that brews seriously, or did, and a couple of kit brewers that pretend to be interested.
I try and keep my mouth shut, even with those people I have given beer to and after they drink they want to know more. Its not that I don't want them to learn, I just know it will be a wasted effort, they wont start brewing...ever.

However, get me with another AGer and it can go for hours. I've spent hours at other brewers places and had to be dragged away kicking and screaming and have had brewers over here and have had to kick them out. Works both ways :)
I've spent hours at other brewers places and had to be dragged away kicking and screaming and have had brewers over here and have had to kick them out. Works both ways :)

My sessions with the Big Burper (3 blocks away) usually end when he is paralytic and I can only just crawl to the end of his driveway and get onto my pushbike. Maybe I should start using the RSL courtesy bus :p (bus to RSL, play pokies for 3 minutes, bus to BBs, drink, bus to RSL, play pokies for 3 minutes, bus home). This could work but I'd have to factor in pee stops as well :blink:
My sessions with the Big Burper (3 blocks away) usually end when he is paralytic and I can only just crawl to the end of his driveway and get onto my pushbike. Maybe I should start using the RSL courtesy bus :p (bus to RSL, play pokies for 3 minutes, bus to BBs, drink, bus to RSL, play pokies for 3 minutes, bus home). This could work but I'd have to factor in pee stops as well :blink:

That's really funny, laughed my arse off!

I took some of my beer to the last work christmas party. A corny of hefe and a 50l keg of pale. They necked it...

Every conversation I joined turned to someone asking "This is nice beer, how do you make it?"

After the fifth or sixth explanation (read: lecture), I was bored shitless.

Just tell 'em a kit of homebrand draught, a couple of kilos of CSR and a hops tablet.

Ferment at 32 deg, ready for drinking in a week.

Piss easy mate.
Gav you can always drop around here for a couple of beers you wont bore me

Should try and get Hashie around as well could be an all out beer session
I'll come round and drink your beer too if you want, I'm good at rambling on about brewing too! Currently a semi-resident of Bendigo, a bit quiet around here.
I'll come round and drink your beer too if you want, I'm good at rambling on about brewing too! Currently a semi-resident of Bendigo, a bit quiet around here.

:icon_offtopic: Could be a start to the "Bendigo Brewers Club"

I know I am boring my wife to tears with brewing, but then she lets me buy what I need, when I need it. Gotta love her.
Gav you can always drop around here for a couple of beers you wont bore me

Should try and get Hashie around as well could be an all out beer session

sounds good to me! :icon_drunk:
My sessions with the Big Burper (3 blocks away) usually end when he is paralytic and I can only just crawl to the end of his driveway and get onto my pushbike. Maybe I should start using the RSL courtesy bus :p (bus to RSL, play pokies for 3 minutes, bus to BBs, drink, bus to RSL, play pokies for 3 minutes, bus home). This could work but I'd have to factor in pee stops as well :blink:

ROFL! :lol:

BribieG you know you cab still be charged with DD on a pushie? :(

I treat questions from non-brewers like I treat questions from children. Give them an answer appropriate for there level of maturity. When a 3 year old asks you where babies come from they dont really want all the gory details. Its more difficult to determine their level of maturity from just looking at non-brewers though.

They would probably be a lot more interested if they were witnessing the process on a brew day like Australias biggest brew day 2009 as Im sure even a 3 year old would have lots of questions if they witnessed the whole baby making process.

Just for fun

Foreplay Recipe formulation, grain cracking and sniffing hops and malt
Intercourse Mashing, boiling (and for some cooling, chillers do it longer)
Gestation Fermenting, temp control
Birth Bottling, kegging, cleaning up
Fruits of your labour Sampling

I could go on but probably shouldnt
I'm happy that I have converted one of the regulars at my brewdays (non-brewer, but there for the entertainment) to a beer wanker. He keeps telling me about the work friday drinks ang saying "you got crown?? and Carsberg?? Ugh" My work there is done :p
:ph34r: all this homebrew talk is boring me :p

seriously. brewing is no differant a subject than any one elses hobby. whether they talk about golf, their kids, stamp collecting, their work, the effeicency of solar cells (I have 3 friends that are engineers) or whatever.

if people dont like hearing about homebrewing, then they can: not ask, go away or just politely nod and smile and drink whatever megaswill thery are drinking.
I find the look on people's face when they say "Corona isn't malty? Come on!!"

That's a corny joke.

I used to have a bad habit of rabbiting on about beer and brewing to everyone. As my hobby settled in, I just keep the technical talk to other beer geeks and brewers but gladly give advice about beers I know well to anyone who asks. Better that way.

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