Boring Friends With Homebrew Talk

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I have taken to talking to the Horse and the cows that come to the bottom of the paddock they dont seem to worry too much how I go on about my beer well that is until I stop feeding them with a bag ful of malted grain .

I dont talk beer brewing stuff to anyone other than my close freinds the Horse the Cow , and Franko.

People just dont understand beer brewing, its a lonely place, in brewing cyberspace .

I have a full range of beers now on tap and becoming a six schooner a night person

start with two Northern Brown ales
then Two English IPA
then finish off on the APA bursting with hops

Oh Ok I do keep talking into my glass telling the beer how good it is

SWMBO thinks I am going Bonkers , Oh Well !!

Pumpy :( :)
Must be a universal thing. Besides the "cheap" and "rocketfuel" questions I also get asked about exploding bottles. I try to contain myself now when answering brewing questions to as little as "grain, hops, water yeast".

It is good though when the myths of disgusting home brew are dispelled and people start offering to buy it off you. Not that I would though, that would be illegal! :eek:
My wife has absolutely no interest in the reasons why my current weizen has more banana aroma and flavour than prervious attempts. I can't work it out (the lack of interest that is).
My work colleagues thought it was great to ask me questions about beer and brewing, until they found I could answer many of them.... then they thought I was weird... more than before.

I love all things brewing related, and like most of my hobbies they become obsessive compulsive disorders for awhile before I learn something new...

My name is sumo and I am a beer geek.
Just tell them you cook meth for hobbie, I am sure they will show more instrest.

Funny you say that, I have a cop living across the road from me (mate also), the last time he was in my house I had a starter going, he looked at me, then at the flask with an airlock sticking out of it with a WTF is that look on his face. I just let him ponder

edit: speelang
if he has a sense of humour, tell him its yeast for doughnuts
Funny you say that, I have a cop living across the road from me (mate also), the last time he was in my house I had a starter going, he looked at me, then at the flask with an airlock sticking out of it with a WTF is that look on his face. I just let him ponder

edit: speelang

LOL - should've had an lpg tank lying around as well
the gas burner, small bags of 'stuff' laying around, conspicuos white powder (dex), laying round, some scales. have some real fun
On several occasions at home during bbq's etc questions about home brew have surfaced.

Usually butters has been invited and if he hasn't overheard the question I can refer it to him.

That way I dont bore anybody, I let someone else do that for me :ph34r:
Just tell them you cook meth for hobbie, I am sure they will show more instrest.

I often wonder what residents of my neighbouring apartment block (a few houses away) think. They must see me at a distance washing loads of white barrels and wrestling with vinyl tubing at all kinds of times in the night because the sink is under the window.

I will admit to being an zumurevangelist. I don't mean to, but sometimes an inquisitive person asks a question which requires a reasonable length explanation (eg. how can you explain a mash if they don't know what malt is). But along the way there are more questions and offshoots etc. Before I know it, I have turned a social lunch at a friends house into some kind of lengthy beer lecture. My GF rolls her eyes and indicates to these people not to question me further while I am off in my little trance.
I have a reasonably scary social experiment coming up next weekend where I am having a brew day with some of my brewing and non brewing mates. It will be interesting to see how this pans out?

I try (really really hard) to keep light-on with the home brewing chit chat with non brewers but find it hard at times when the conversation turns to beer. I have noticed a few times a mate has asked me a question, more being polite than genuinely interested, but by the time I have worked that one out I have to call the ambulance as they dropped dead out of boredom. :icon_cheers:
Brew talk is one thing, but I get the feeling I have this horrible tendency of be the effing know-all about anything to do with beer. "Well actually, that Cascade Pale you're drinking is a lager" etc.
Brew talk is one thing, but I get the feeling I have this horrible tendency of be the effing know-all about anything to do with beer. "Well actually, that Cascade Pale you're drinking is a lager" etc.

I've got a horrible feeling I do this too.... but I can't help it :rolleyes:

I feel even sillier when I see more knowledgeable people play it much cooler than I can manage. I am too excitable and passionate.
The missus just rolls her eyes when I drink a pot at the local and proceed to tell the barman they need to clean the "lines" more frequently LOL

Other than that, I try to keep responses short and sweet...and ignore my father who thinks the darker the beer, the thicker and higher alcohol it will always be...
I try to keep responses short and sweet...and ignore my father who thinks the darker the beer, the thicker and higher alcohol it will always be...

I find it difficult when people see me drinking a "Dark Ale", they always assume it is a stout and when you try to explain... they just drift off into never never land.
I find it difficult when people see me drinking a "Dark Ale", they always assume it is a stout and when you try to explain... they just drift off into never never land.

yeah they think its not beer coz its the wrong colour :rolleyes:
"That's not a beer, that's bloody flat and warm!"

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