Book Prices - Yes We All Know But This Is Really Ridiculous

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Bribie G

Adjunct Professor
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In what sense is this protecting Australian Publishers or keeping jobs in Australia? This book is no doubt published and printed in the USA so the one from the Book Depository in the UK is going to travel around 8000 k further than the one from Angus and Robertson



Needless to say I've ordered a copy from the UK. If A&R had a copy for say $22 delivered I'd have donned my patriotic hat and bought that one, but at the current price I bet they charge postage as well. :(

Edit: I just noticed that the A&R one is hardback - so here's also an example of them not giving us the choice to buy at a more reasonable price to start off with.
In what sense is this protecting Australian Publishers or keeping jobs in Australia? This book is no doubt published and printed in the USA so the one from the Book Depository in the UK is going to travel around 8000 k further than the one from Angus and Robertson

View attachment 44238

View attachment 44239

Needless to say I've ordered a copy from the UK. If A&R had a copy for say $22 delivered I'd have donned my patriotic hat and bought that one, but at the current price I bet they charge postage as well. :(
It's a joke isn't it? We buy 99% of our books from bookdepository now. The prices are ridiculous.
In what sense is this protecting Australian Publishers or keeping jobs in Australia? This book is no doubt published and printed in the USA so the one from the Book Depository in the UK is going to travel around 8000 k further than the one from Angus and Robertson
Just to add a slightly finer point, although BD promote 'free delivery' what they actually do is determine the price you pay based on your location (via your IP). Look at the site with a UK IP and you automagically get an even cheaper price. :ph34r: I'm not necessarily recommending you do this, however.

Of course, they're entitled to charge more to post further, but then that's not actually 'free' postage, it's just covered by the total price. Still, a country mile cheaper than buying locally, even considering that you aren't paying GST on that O/S item.

And the big retailers wonder why we shop online...
and now theres no copies left of brewing classic styles on book depositry! someone misplaced mine :(

had me all excited bribe's.
I think it's always been the same, when I arrived here in the 70s of course there was no Internet and we had to get all our information from books. I just fished out my 1983 copy of Helliconia (Brian Aldiss) - UK pounds 2.50, Australia $ 9.95. That was fine in the days when the market was sewn up tighter than a fishes - but times have changed and the Internet has blown it well to pieces, pity our book retail avenues haven't kept up with these times.

Edit: fents I think I just bought yours :ph34r:
In what sense is this protecting Australian Publishers or keeping jobs in Australia? This book is no doubt published and printed in the USA so the one from the Book Depository in the UK is going to travel around 8000 k further than the one from Angus and Robertson

Needless to say I've ordered a copy from the UK. If A&R had a copy for say $22 delivered I'd have donned my patriotic hat and bought that one, but at the current price I bet they charge postage as well. :(

Edit: I just noticed that the A&R one is hardback - so here's also an example of them not giving us the choice to buy at a more reasonable price to start off with.

Brewing Classic Styles has not been published in hardback. So not only is A&R over-priced but they're also misrepresenting the product.

and now theres no copies left of brewing classic styles on book depositry! someone misplaced mine :(

had me all excited bribe's.

It's available and even cheaper at Better World Books


try and they both search multiple online book stores, both good but book works in AUD and also lists the books in order of total price (inc. delivery)
Its all about, the ability to buy second hand is great
I think it's always been the same, when I arrived here in the 70s of course there was no Internet and we had to get all our information from books. I just fished out my 1983 copy of Helliconia (Brian Aldiss) - UK pounds 2.50, Australia $ 9.95. That was fine in the days when the market was sewn up tighter than a fishes - but times have changed and the Internet has blown it well to pieces, pity our book retail avenues haven't kept up with these times.

Edit: fents I think I just bought yours :ph34r:

I agree. For years we were told its "shipping costs" or exchange rates, but with the internet, its blown those myths apart. And I don't buy the whole "retailers pay GST" thing either. We pay the GST, they pass it on to us.

When I lived in the Phillipines I bought a new 5 string Ibanez bass for half the cost in Aus. I can live with freight etc, but that's just a blatant rip off.
it extends well past just books, any games i buy these days comes from steam (UK or US stores, rarely the AU store, the prices are very different) or (also a UK company).

blu-rays i usually get from, usually about 30% what they cost here and shipping is cheapish.
And I don't buy the whole "retailers pay GST" thing either. We pay the GST, they pass it on to us.

Yup. And I don't buy the whole "no-GST on internet prices is why they are cheaper" - Brewing Classic Styles at Betterworldbooks is 45% cheaper than at A&R - not 9.09% (GST)
I bought this book of the other week $19.97 - free shipping if you want to wait a couple of weeks...
I paid the $2 for fast shipping, arrived in a few days.
The best site to look for books is

It compares prices between a large number of retailers and sorts by price. Most of the time it's either betterworldbooks or bookdepository that comes in first, but it's always good to check, and it also gives you the opportunity to see how much more you would have to pay to support an Australian retailer without browsing through various sites. Can't recommend it highly enough.

Got this site from Ianh from this forum, has saved me quite a few $$$ so far.

:icon_offtopic: After reading brewing classic styles I dont think its even worth the cheap rate. It will probably never get opened again.
Very disappointed after all the talk up the BN gives it. Style specific books are much better.
. Style specific books are much better

+1000. I have pale ale, mild ale, and brown ale in the classic beer styles series. Think im getting more for my birthday. They are a great resource.
:icon_offtopic: After reading brewing classic styles I dont think its even worth the cheap rate. It will probably never get opened again.
Very disappointed after all the talk up the BN gives it. Style specific books are much better.
+1 I too was not impressed by this book pretty thin on info really.
Spoke with an A&R franchisee a couple of years ago about buying books on there online site and he said all books listed with an extended shipping date ie 7 to 10 days were coming from the US.
Needless to say I've ordered a copy from the UK. If A&R had a copy for say $22 delivered I'd have donned my patriotic hat and bought that one, but at the current price I bet they charge postage as well. :(
Wasn't it both A&R and Borders who went into receivership last week, blaming online global sales and the internet for their demise?
:icon_offtopic: After reading brewing classic styles I dont think its even worth the cheap rate. It will probably never get opened again.
Very disappointed after all the talk up the BN gives it. Style specific books are much better.

I feel the same. I think Designing Great Beers is more comprhensive.

I think Fents was looking for Brewing Classic Styles. You might be able to sell him yours.
I think each and every recipe from that book is already online somewhere. Whenever I'm looking for a "classic" someone has posted a recipe that they says is from that book.