Bonks 2nd Question - Baby On The Way

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Hi All,

just after 6000 different ideas or opinions on the following subject.

going to be a dad soon and was thinking about putting down a brew of some sort to send to family and friends to celebrate bub. was thinking of putting it down for a year.

so my ideas where,

try a port kit and have a crack at making wine for the first time. slap in bottles and get a cheesy label and send / give to people.


make a Russian Imperial Stout or maybe a barley wine. I did have the idea of maybe some smoked malt in it to add something else in the background. But i've never made a beer that "big" before.

so either way its going to be a new brewing process for me and seeing as i cant make a bloody decision i thought i would get AHB and get a huge range of answers to make it even harder to pick one. :D

well you could search for 'baby' and get all the threads where people have asked the same sorts of questions.

Are you after K&K, extract, AG?

Oh and congrats on the impending birth

Baby Bock
2.5kg Light DME.
500g Dark DME.
1kg Morgans Chocolate Malt.
50g Hallertau hop pellets.
50g Saaz hop pellets.
Morgans Lager Yeast

500g LightDME & 500g Dark DME at 60. 50g Hallertau hops at 60. 25g Saaz hops at 60. 25g Saaz hops at 30. 2kg Light DME and tin of Chocolate Malt at 15. Strain into fermenter but add most of remnants anyway Fill to 21L
thanks City

i'm an AG brewer and i'll do another search and see what i can see,
If you are looking to let it age a while, my vote goes to either a RIS or you could venture into the land of pLambics/flanders/sours. heaps of different things you can do with time, I would just say to perhaps cater to your audience.
I say forget the beer and build a mancave/brewery somewhere fars fars away from the house... that way you have somewhere to hide and contemplate why? WHY? Why did I do it? :ph34r: :lol:

FWIW I would do a luberly big Barleywine or RIS. BrownDog has a cracker of a recipe on the database or maybe it's in the what are you brewing II thread? Anyway hunt it down.

Congrats on the impending ball of joy

Pssst: (why do they call it joy is beyond me? I think it trap!)


since your an AGer, i vote Barleywine over RIS only because other people may be more accepting (palate/taste wise) to a barleywin than an RIS. I'd love to get an RIS as a present but i love stout.

Doc has an awsome barleywin recipe also (for his 300th brew from memory)

Chap Chap - I think the 'bundle of joy' is sarcasim. or false advertising. who can we sue for false advertising!
HYJACK! Sorry OP but it needs to be said ;)

Chap Chap - I think the 'bundle of joy' is sarcasim. or false advertising. who can we sue for false advertising!

CM2 I don't know about you but I'm starting with my parents <_< Lying arrsehoole (said like meet the Flockers kid)... "Joy" my big fat hairy arrsehoole! Pffft! :angry:
I say forget the beer and build a mancave/brewery somewhere fars fars away from the house... that way you have somewhere to hide and contemplate why? WHY? Why did I do it? :ph34r: :lol:

I'm with you Chappo- my 1st is 8 weeks away and the mancave is already well under way. Only a weekend or 2 from finishing 10 sq metres of 'cave under the house. Has lights, power etc. 3 tier Brewstand won't fit for height but plenty of room for fridges, workbenches etc.

Long after the beer is drunk and forgotten, the cave will still be paying dividends.

I'm with you Chappo- my 1st is 8 weeks away and the mancave is already well under way. Only a weekend or 2 from finishing 10 sq metres of 'cave under the house. Has lights, power etc. 3 tier Brewstand won't fit for height but plenty of room for fridges, workbenches etc.

Long after the beer is drunk and forgotten, the cave will still be paying dividends.


Well done Alfie! I likes tha man and the way he thinks! Just be sure to include barbed wire, snares and a mine field (if you can afford the extra security) in your plans. Just to keep the annoying "whatareyadoings?" pests way away form your peaceful and traquil p!issed state of mind!

BTW goodluck in the birthing suite Alfie (there's another little lie while we are peeling back the layers of deceit "The miricle of Birth" or "I would never have missed for the world")


Chap Chap
Firstly Congrats on the baby news.

fwiw... my 2c...

maybe try a Barleywine or a Braggot/Mead.

Bottle a few of them in bottles with caps (champage corks and wax or similar on a thread not too long ago iirc) that can take a much longer time period, so they can last till jnr's 18th...

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