Boil Time

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I hear of 30 minute boils 60 mins but if i just want to do @10 hop addition , cant i just boil for 10 minutes, what is the purpose of boiling for an hour?

Depends on your ingredients, if you're using a prehopped can of goop then a 10 minute boil with some extract is fine.
I hear of 30 minute boils 60 mins but if i just want to do @10 hop addition , cant i just boil for 10 minutes, what is the purpose of boiling for an hour?


In any unhopped wort/prebittered (full, partial mash and full extract) you will get minimal bitterness from your hops if you only boil some for 10 minutes. Anything above 30 starts to become mainly bitterness - below is mainly flavour and aroma. In addition to that, full and partial mash boils drive off certain unwanted compounds and compound precursors. The most well known is the precursor to DMS which results in a cooked corn or cooked vegetable flavour in the final beer.

If you're adding hops to a kit, you can indeed just boil for 10 minutes.
why does it depend on your ingredients? as you only do a boil with 1040 gravity or as close to so you cant add all fermentables into a boil. I add 500g LDME to 5lts of water and add the rest at flame out is this right or am I doing it wrong?

edit: ahh ok i should of read that properley first :rolleyes: lol
lol that was the stupid spell check kicking in :S Yeah I realise what he was saying after I posted I should read the post right threw first haha
To follow on with this, what is the minimum time I need to boil to get rid of bugs/infections?

i would say 5mins but may/will be proven wrong
Can't prove you wrong but my rule of thumb has always been 10 minutes.

Regarding ingredients, if you use Pils malt or another similarly lightly kilned malt they are more likely to contain SMM (the DMS pre-cursor) and so benefit from a longer boil to blow it away.

Other things a longer boil can do is affect colour, develop melanoiden (sp?) production and also concentrate the wort. It also offers more time to get your general shit together regarding cleaning and sanatising fermenters and also time to relax and have a few beers.
well I watch that man vs wild and he said boil the water you get from a creek for 5 mins to kill bugs so i guess that is long enough to kill the crap. but as you say for other reasons home brew related it could be different but for bugs and stuff 5-10 mins should do it
My understanding is that he doesn't usually kill the bugs before ingesting them?
well he boiled it for 5 mins after he was up all night pooing and spewing so thats why. I just gather if 5min from a random creek is enough 5 mins from a chlorine treated water supply should be enough. but as i say I prob will be proven wrong. As I say thats just to kill crap in water nothing to do with home brew
I boil for 15mins when I do up a wort for a starter never had any probs there with infections.
I stick to 15 mins if doing a kit, grain & extract. As said above, if partial or AG, then I'd go the full 60 or 90 mins. My2c
I have done a half hour boil for one all grain brew, while it worked ok, I wouldn't recommend it for any style relying on interesting malt flavours.
Ohh , now i get it,

Alpha acid isomerisation , Colloidal stability, Wort sterilisation, Enzyme inactivation, Volatile removal, Colour and flavour addition, That is fantastic article, just when I think I'm deep into beer brewing I go and ask a question, and bloody hell, I find its more complex than rocket scien-tes-tri. phew,

need an Ale,

In terms of pasteurization, here's some numbers for post-filtered errant commercial beer brewery bacteria and yeasts (tunnel pasteurization in bottle):

53 C: minimum time to kill population 56 min.
60 C: minimum time to kill population 5.6 min.
67 C: minimum time to kill population 0.56 min.

Unless you are using water from the Ganges, just bringing it to the boil is way overkill.
Just ran out of gas on a brew (knew I would but service station is shut and I'm not sure I could afford the refill today anyway).

Ran out at about 50 minutes in so hoping a small extra handful of hops and no chilling should still give me a reasonable brew. Very simple recipe so no reliance on complex malt flavours.
Just ran out of gas on a brew (knew I would but service station is shut and I'm not sure I could afford the refill today anyway).

Ran out at about 50 minutes in so hoping a small extra handful of hops and no chilling should still give me a reasonable brew. Very simple recipe so no reliance on complex malt flavours.
A good test for DMS. What base did you use? Be fine apart from probably missing your expected O/G, and as you say IBU`S maybe up shit creek?

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