Boags Wizard Smith Ale Recipe

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Hi all

I know this question has been asked before about 12 years ago or so, and I have done some of my own research.

I have brewed English Ales before, but I want to get something close to Wizard Smith and wondered if anyone had some tips or insider secrets.

Hi, I got a recipe from someone who works at the brewery.
Mash 10L for a 10L brew
1.2kg pale malt
800g light crystal malt
200g dark crystal malt
lager yeast or s-04 yeast
Mash @67 degrees 1 hour
sparge @75 degree 2l
Boil 1 hour- no hop
Dry hop after day 5 with 20g East Kent Goldings
Also, prime bottles with brown sugar if bottling
Great brewing. Hope it turns out for you 🍻
This might provide a better result. This is the original from 2008
Hi, I got a recipe from someone who works at the brewery.
Mash 10L for a 10L brew
1.2kg pale malt
800g light crystal malt
200g dark crystal malt
lager yeast or s-04 yeast
Mash @67 degrees 1 hour
sparge @75 degree 2l
Boil 1 hour- no hop
Dry hop after day 5 with 20g East Kent Goldings
Also, prime bottles with brown sugar if bottling
Great brewing. Hope it turns out for you 🍻
I don't think there is 45% crystal malt in it.
That photo I posted was shared by a bloke who was involved with the development of the original WS. To what extent he was involved I have no idea but he’s well known and respected in the local brewing scene.
Obviously it’s a home brew recipe but the bones of the brew are spelled out pretty clearly.
It doesn’t mention yeast but I think Boags is a lager only brewery. Many yeasts would provide a decent result I’m sure
or only 2.2kg base malt in a 20L batch
Also Lion themselves say it's 27 IBU, you're not getting that with just a dry hop
I'd say someone's having a wind up...
Ha! I missed the no hop boil! 🫣
I don't know if it's right or wrong, it's just a recipe someone I had a chat with gave me. thanks for the feed back though 👍👍
Lion/Boags are idiots, this is their best beer by far, not that would mean much really given their stable, it's just marketed poorly.

Having one now, I'd say it's more than 27IBU, but if it really is P.O.Ringworm which has a harsh bitterness, maybe that's true. If I was using EKG I'd go 30+. Also, 20% crystal, even light, looks wrong, the bitterness stands out and with that much crystal it wouldn't. I do believe it's mostly light crystal though, the colour says that. FWIW, looks like ~10SRM to me.
I don’t recall if I ever tried it. I also raised an eyebrow at the thought of crystal at 19.8%
My source did say it was from 2008. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve changed it but I would be somewhat surprised if it was ever so crystal-heavy.
I plugged those numbers into a calculator and at 75% mash efficiency they work for OG and the predicted FG with Notty is almost right to deliver 5% abv, but the IBU calculation works out to 43 using pretty typical PoR AA% (ie 10%).
Would that, plus the dry hop be sufficient to cut through almost 20% crystal?
Dunno, and I’m probably not going to try it anytime soon.

Read a few old reviews and saw a fair bit of variation but some specifically mentioned a prominent crystal malt flavour and the PoR character to the bitterness
Hi, I got a recipe from someone who works at the brewery.
Mash 10L for a 10L brew
1.2kg pale malt
800g light crystal malt
200g dark crystal malt
lager yeast or s-04 yeast
Mash @67 degrees 1 hour
sparge @75 degree 2l
Boil 1 hour- no hop
Dry hop after day 5 with 20g East Kent Goldings
Also, prime bottles with brown sugar if bottling
Great brewing. Hope it turns out for you 🍻

Cheers mate, sorry it took so long to get back to you. I only just saw someone replied.
I don’t recall if I ever tried it. I also raised an eyebrow at the thought of crystal at 19.8%
My source did say it was from 2008. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve changed it but I would be somewhat surprised if it was ever so crystal-heavy.
I plugged those numbers into a calculator and at 75% mash efficiency they work for OG and the predicted FG with Notty is almost right to deliver 5% abv, but the IBU calculation works out to 43 using pretty typical PoR AA% (ie 10%).
Would that, plus the dry hop be sufficient to cut through almost 20% crystal?
Dunno, and I’m probably not going to try it anytime soon.

Read a few old reviews and saw a fair bit of variation but some specifically mentioned a prominent crystal malt flavour and the PoR character to the bitterness
Thanks mate