Birthday Drinks

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Happy birthday Winkle.. hope it's all


and not

not this.JPG

Happy bday winkle. In your honour ill brew a US version of your belgian imperial wheat stout. Well tomorrow I will.
Happy Birthday Winkle, go and have six pints of Geronimo - you know you want to.
Many Happies Perry,

Will down one............. er a .... few! in your honour tomorrow afternoon. Hape you had a gret day!

Thanks guys. I shall have a couple of quiet ones in town, since I've got to do some software/project set ups and checks tomorrow (ie have to think).
But Saturday is the pub crawl, woot! :party:
Read by Nigel Planer.

"quack quack quack quack quack"

which roughly translates into 'Happy birthday Musvovy'
Yob said:
Have a good one CM2
A box of tissues coming your way
geez your up early. Cherts buddy. Catch you for a frink soon.
Wow u guys are funny. Cheers. Got a few beers from the family. Will have them tonight. And a few more.
Too right! Have a good one Howard, I'll have one for you 2morrow, need sleep.