Thanks mate! much appreciate it. That will still fit in the older style sodastream and I'm sure the thread is the same so will be a good changeover. Will sus out the local Kmart and turn on the charm
It does seem a little strange that they would up the size, as, in the last 5 months they launched a new design and having adds on tv, heaps of new stock in store, and $40 I think for a carbonator with with 40L cartridge and 1 bottle! I am sure they were based around the 40L ones. As you say, might be best to get in early and plead 'I really need it now - pretty please darl!' incase they start refusing 40L exchange all together and make us buy new ones.
I just got one of these larger sodastream bottles today but I can't get it screwed in far enough for the valve to be engaged and for CO2 to flow into the regulator. Has anyone else had this problem? I have used the smaller bottles a number of times without any problems.
AchySure have and I still have the bottle sitting around taking up space. When I posted on here about it no one had really experienced it form memory. It has driven me nuts and has been a waste of $$$. I am hoping someone has a solution.
I just got one of these larger sodastream bottles today but I can't get it screwed in far enough for the valve to be engaged and for CO2 to flow into the regulator. Has anyone else had this problem? I have used the smaller bottles a number of times without any problems.
Hmmm. I'll have a dig about in the adapter tomorrow and see what I can find. But I'm pretty sure that there's only the one little black rubber washer in there.The adapter I have came with 2 rubber washers insitu. Of the 2 soda stream bottle I have used, I had to remove one of the washers to make it connect.
But he doesn't have anymore mate.:icon_offtopic: i bought one of these.
some kmart stores have a value pack 2 for $50 on the 60 litre
I used it with my existing adapter with no issues.
Yep it's a buy one get one free. I bought one on the weekend, was only available at the front counter.
Great deal.
Same thread as the 40L ones. I used it with my existing adapter with no issues.
Mark, interested as well to hear if it really worked out for you. Looking at a portable gas setup at the moment and the 241 sounds like a good deal if it works.