Well-Known Member
will have to hook mine up and see what happens..
Unfortunately it would appear there are some slight changes with the new bottles & the pin now needs to be longer to depress.
All sodastream adapotors now come with an adjustable pin to make them future proof.
cheers Ross
I am wondering if a drop of silver solder would help to depress the pin? Might try it when I get home tommorrow.
Not sure about others but I have a Harris reg & don't require an adaptor with the new bottles.
I gave up trying to get it to seal. Lost a whole bottle of gas in the process
Plumbing and I never mixed very well so i've bitten the bullet and just purchased another 2.6kg bottle
If only the adapter or the SS bottle had a on/off tap...
I am wondering if a drop of silver solder would help to depress the pin? Might try it when I get home tommorrow.
Was about to lengthen my eBay adaptor pin with silver solder last week Brad but first tried slipping slightly overlength 4mm ID PVC tube over the pin then adding a 2nd "O" ring to the existing one. Worked like a charm.
Just a matter of trimming the tube to the right length (1mm or so) & Bob's your father's brother.
That should work fine Brad, or a thiner seal as mark suggested.
If you cant get it to work, bring it in mate.
Cheers Ross
Ah should have read this 2 days ago Pete. The solder didn't bight onto the brass, nothin a small peice of thin double sided tape didnt fix. It depressed the cylinder but gas leaked pretty bad, so yes a second 'o' ring of course. Where did you get it from? I was thinking of using a keg post one?