Bigd Meet Up New Year In Sa

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peas_and_korn said:
Unfortionately I can't make it, the bus from Tel Aviv to GMK's place leaves one day too late :p

Ok - if u bring me back some fine Jewish Beer.

There is an AHB Member from Israel on here - might be a good contact to make and have a beer with them..
recipe formulation hasnt ventured too far yet gmk.but i will endevour to scrounge something up soon i hope.

big d
peas_and_korn said:
way ahead of you!

So - have you contacted our overseas AHBer
big d said:
recipe formulation hasnt ventured too far yet gmk.but i will endevour to scrounge something up soon i hope.

big d

Getting closer big d ...

I am away from 2nd Jan to 7th Jan - pmed you with a contact number.

so we have 3 days to sort out recipe and ingredients etc...

Let em know...
OK - someone is bring a portable pizz oven and some pizza dough up on the day - so BYO some pizza toppings as well.....

Looking forward to the day...
Do you need to be a member of a club or anything to attend?
I haven't started brewing yet but I want to try my hand at gluton free beer. I've just found out that I have celiacs desease and being a beer drinker, going without is NOT an option!
Does anyone know where to get buckwheat malt in SA?
I've found sorgham and amanranth malt available at silly yaks.
I only started researching gluton free beer today so any help would be appreciated.
do a search on celiac and gluten on this site. fair bit of talk recently.
also maybe PM some of the initial post people and ask how they're going.
Sorry folks, I won't be able to make it. Events transpire to keep me busy for the next couple weeks. Hope you have a great day.
Regretfully I must also pike due to circumstances beyond my control. Hope you guys have a good day.
Wish I could be there but I am told I am required to be somewhere else.

Darren said:
Wish I could be there but I am told I am required to be somewhere else.


Darren, you saying your missus can get the last word in :p

She must be one hell of a woman :) - respect... :super:
Hi All

The Brew Day went Very Well.
There was 4 of us for the whole day with 3 others dropping by over the course of the brew.
We made "Trois Pistoles"....maxed the mash tun out with 14.92kg of grain.
Aiming for 40ltrs at 1086...

Here are some pics from the day...
Brew Setup.

I underlet from the HLT (URN) into the Mash Tun - never seen a dough ball yet.
Mashed 25ltrs of water with 14.92kg of grain for 90 mins at 65-66.

Sparge coil into the Mash Tun.

This pic shows the Sparge process where by i underlet into the kettle after recirculating - a well known AHB Adelaideon said to do this to stop any Hot Side Aeration. i am topping the HLT up with 78 degree water as when i am am doing these big batches the HLT does not hold enough.

I First Wort Hop - here is a pic of the mash liquor into the Kettle.

Once the elements in the kettle are covered i turn them on.
Here is a pic with the kettle almost full.

I like a really good rolling boil...
There is 3.2KW of heat from the elements inside the kettle plus 2.4KW from the wand.

We then hooked upo the IDRA pump to pump the wort thru the CCCFWC into the large fermenter - pitched 1387 Belgian Trappist High Gravity Yeast.

Thanks to Hawkesy, Steve, Alan and to Terry, Dave and Tony who dropped by.
A big Thanks to Steve who bought over his Pizza Oven.
Fully imported from Israel - only 125.00Aus + Freight - ( taht is the Killer)

Works wonderfully with pizza in just over 5mins.

Here are some Pics:

Getting it a Light...

The burner on the bottom is for browning the base - the jets on the side are for cooking and then you turn them for 30 secs to crisp the top.

Here is a pic of the first pizza for the day - we made 3 all up.

Washed teh pizza down with some Belgians:
Forbidden Fruit
Grand Cru
Grand Corolus

Later on we made garlic Bread - to compliment teh Little Creatures and my American Cream on Tap.
looks you had a good day ken sorry i couldnt make it but hope the beer turns out good
That's a nice looking oven. Sorry I couldn't make it, ken, preparing to move house kinda gets in the way.

Looks like you need to stand on tippy-toes to fill that HLT Kenny :)
Kai said:
That's a nice looking oven. Sorry I couldn't make it, ken, preparing to move house kinda gets in the way.

Looks like you need to stand on tippy-toes to fill that HLT Kenny :)

At least he took the lid off first this time :lol: :lol:

Couple of pictures of those attending would be nice too Kenny

I am sure a great day was had by all , Kenny is a wonderful host.

Batz said:
Couple of pictures of those attending would be nice too Kenny

I am sure a great day was had by all , Kenny is a wonderful host.


Yeah - more pics Kenny... & yes, have to agree, Kenny is a top host - looked after me like a brother & we had never met before... :beer:

cheers Ken...