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Tumi2 - 1 BIAB brew - Used No Chill

Trust this is how i add my name to the register.
Well done Katie :beerbang:

Please Start Posting your Volumes and Efficiency Figures Here

Some months ago, ThirstyBoy sent me a great draft of BIAB FAQs that I had asked him to do for and of course, here on AHB. I have been re-writing, changing and worrying over them like an old woman since! Once published though, they will offer very good and detailed answers (11 A4 pages!) to very common BIAB questions.

The main problem I have been worrying over is water volumes and efficiency figures. These are big worries for those starting out so I would like to get a good average before publishing these FAQs. For those of you who do a bit of measuring, can you please start to put your details into this thread?

Maybe use the lay-out below as a guide. Just fill in the figures that are relevant to you (only a few of the figures will be relevant for each brewer) and I will do the consolidating or PM you with further questions.

Most importantly, be HONEST. Do NOT try and, 'make,' your figures work. Don't be embarrassed if your figures don't seem to be theoretically right. I have had figures sometimes that made no sense and still get figures that don't match theory. Just post what you get so we all can learn.

Please copy, edit and paste the following...


The following figures are based on this number of brews (number):
Desired Batch Size* (lts):
Vessel Type (Keggle or xlt Pot):
Length of Boil (mins):
Grain Bill (kgs):
Starting Volume of Water (lts):
Volume at Boil Start (lts):
Specific Gravity Reading at Start of Boil (hydrometer sample cooled to 15 or 20 degrees):
Plato Gravity Reading at Start of Boil (refractometer sample cooled to 20 degrees):
Volume at End of Boil (lts - deduct 4% if measured at 100 degrees):
Specific Gravity at End of Boil (hydrometer sample cooled to 15 or 20 degrees):
Plato Gravity Reading at End of Boil (refractometer sample cooled to 20 degrees):
Are you chilling? (Yes/No):
Trub Left in Kettle (lts):
Volume into Cube (lts):
Volume into Fermenter (lts):
Specific Gravity Reading into Fermenter (hydrometer sample at 15 or 20 degrees):
Plato Gravity Reading into Fermenter (refractometer sample at 20 degrees):
FINAL Specific Gravity Reading after Fermentation (hydrometer sample at 15 or 20 degrees):
FINAL Plato Gravity Reading after Fermentation (refractometer sample at 20 degrees):
Fermenter Trub (lts):
Resulting Batch Size (lts): [/quote]


I'd love to see these BIAB FAQs published in the next three weeks so please try your hardest to give your feedback. If you don't want to put your figures up here, you can email them to me here

The figures you provide will not only help BIAB Brewers but will also new traditional brewers.

Thanking you in advance,
Pistol, that's a great idea. It's about the science and data collection.
Of course to make an accurate database all BIABing would be done in the same environmental conditions BUT this goes a good way to providing an average of data compiled.
This will give a general guide to how most ppl fare with the BIAB method.

Could i ask a couple of things be considered?
Firstly many people don't have access to advanced measurements so the hydrometer should be the default, perhaps we need a basic section with hydrometer readings and an advanced section with refractometer, that way basic data can be compiled for every brew easily.
Secondly i think the recipe name or description is also important (not for science but for interest).

Anyhow it's inspired me to get my act together this week and buy some more grain.
I was planning to brew next weekend anyhow after a few weeks off.
Great to see you're enthusiastic flattop :beerbang:

I totally agree with you, the more info the better. I will add two bits at the bottom where people can add any info they like such as you have suggested. I hope people realise that they only have to fill in a few of the blanks :unsure:

I see that I forgot to specify what I meant by batch size and brew length as well - whoops! I will fix this below.

I hope there are quite a few enthusiastic people like yourself as doing this will enable the upcoming BIAB FAQs to be linked with Jamil and John Palmer's, "Brewing Classic Styles," book which should enable new brewers to do some minimal adjustments and then brew these award-winning recipes. I think that will be a huge boon for all of us and enable some more common ground when talking about our brewing.

As for the hydrometer thing, I agree as well but i suspect there are a few guys out there only with refractos. If they can take some extra time to convert their figures, that would be great for all of us.

Thank you flattop.

So here is an update of the form....


The following figures are based on this number of brews (number):
Desired Batch Size* (lts):
Vessel Type (Keggle or xlt Pot):
Length of Boil (mins):
Grain Bill (kgs):
Starting Volume of Water (lts):
Volume at Boil Start (lts):
Specific Gravity Reading at Start of Boil (hydrometer sample cooled to 15 or 20 degrees):
Plato Gravity Reading at Start of Boil (refractometer sample cooled to 20 degrees):
Volume at End of Boil (lts - deduct 4% if measured at 100 degrees):
Specific Gravity at End of Boil (hydrometer sample cooled to 15 or 20 degrees):
Plato Gravity Reading at End of Boil (refractometer sample cooled to 20 degrees):
Are you chilling? (Yes/No):
Trub Left in Kettle (lts):
Volume into Cube (lts):
Volume into Fermenter (lts):
Specific Gravity Reading into Fermenter (hydrometer sample at 15 or 20 degrees):
Plato Gravity Reading into Fermenter (refractometer sample at 20 degrees):
FINAL Specific Gravity Reading after Fermentation (hydrometer sample at 15 or 20 degrees):
FINAL Plato Gravity Reading after Fermentation (refractometer sample at 20 degrees):
Fermenter Trub (lts):
Resulting Brew Length* (lts): [/quote]
Recipe (name or link):
Notes (Anything else of interest you might like to write:

*Desired batch size for the above is not brew length. Batch size is what you would use in Beersmith. This (misleadingly) actually means how much wort is in your kettle at the end of the boil. Brewlength means how much beer you get from your fermenter. So, Batch Size = Brewlength + fermenter and kettle trub.

Most of my brewing figures are trapped in a blown up computer but just so people don't feel embarrassed to post their info here are some figures from an old brew sheet I found...

(Also have added a Length of Mash field and a Top Up Water field.)


The following figures are based on this number of brews (number): 1
Desired Batch Size* (lts): 28
Vessel Type (Keggle or xlt Pot): 70lt stock pot
Length of Mash (mins): 90
Length of Boil (mins): 105
Grain Bill (kgs): 5.49
Starting Volume of Water (lts): 38
Volume at Boil Start (lts): 34.8
Specific Gravity Reading at Start of Boil (hydrometer sample cooled to 15 or 20 degrees): 1.041
Plato Gravity Reading at Start of Boil (refractometer sample cooled to 20 degrees):
Volume at End of Boil (lts - deduct 4% if measured at 100 degrees):
Specific Gravity at End of Boil (hydrometer sample cooled to 15 or 20 degrees):
Plato Gravity Reading at End of Boil (refractometer sample cooled to 20 degrees):
Are you chilling? (Yes/No):
Trub Left in Kettle (lts):
Volume into Cube (lts):
Volume into Fermenter (lts): 16.5
Specific Gravity Reading into Fermenter (hydrometer sample at 15 or 20 degrees): 1.061
Top Up Water: 3.7lts to acheive desired gravity of 1.050
Plato Gravity Reading into Fermenter (refractometer sample at 20 degrees):
FINAL Specific Gravity Reading after Fermentation (hydrometer sample at 15 or 20 degrees):
FINAL Plato Gravity Reading after Fermentation (refractometer sample at 20 degrees):
Fermenter Trub (lts): 1
Resulting Brew Length* (lts): 19.2
Recipe (name or link): Galaxy Burst APA
Notes (Anything else of interest you might like to write): Lost track of time and left boil too long. Efficiency into Kettle = 83.5%. Final Efficiency (into packaging) = 53.4%.

*Desired batch size for the above is not brew length. Batch size is what you would use in Beersmith. This (misleadingly) actually means how much wort is in your kettle at the end of the boil. Brewlength means how much beer you get from your fermenter. So, Batch Size = Brewlength + fermenter and kettle trub.


Can see some other oversights in the above. If you notice anything, just fix it as you go.
Here is one of mine, I gather the idea is to put up details on each brew individually to best be able to collate the data. I will add more as I go along. I think the 40 litre urn size limits me to about 33 litres of water initially to allow for a decent grain bill. This is the area I am interested in, finding out how much higher the water is in others BIAB systems, not limited by urn size.


The following figures are based on this number of brews (number): 1
Desired Batch Size* (lts): 25
Vessel Type (Keggle or xlt Pot): 40 litre Crown urn
Length of Mash (mins): 90
Length of Boil (mins): 120
Grain Bill (kgs): 5.85
Starting Volume of Water (lts): 33
Volume at Boil Start (lts): 31
Specific Gravity Reading at Start of Boil (hydrometer sample cooled to 15 or 20 degrees): 1.046
Plato Gravity Reading at Start of Boil (refractometer sample cooled to 20 degrees):
Volume at End of Boil (lts - deduct 4% if measured at 100 degrees): 25
Specific Gravity at End of Boil (hydrometer sample cooled to 15 or 20 degrees): 1.054
Plato Gravity Reading at End of Boil (refractometer sample cooled to 20 degrees):
Are you chilling? (Yes/No): No
Trub Left in Kettle (lts): 2
Volume into Cube (lts): 23
Volume into Fermenter (lts): 23
Specific Gravity Reading into Fermenter (hydrometer sample at 15 or 20 degrees): 1.054
Top Up Water:
Plato Gravity Reading into Fermenter (refractometer sample at 20 degrees):
FINAL Specific Gravity Reading after Fermentation (hydrometer sample at 15 or 20 degrees):1.012
FINAL Plato Gravity Reading after Fermentation (refractometer sample at 20 degrees):
Fermenter Trub (lts): 2
Resulting Brew Length* (lts): 21
Recipe (name or link): Smoked Angry Dwarf Pale Ale
Notes (Anything else of interest you might like to write): Interrupted boil and long boil due to Crown thermostat kicking in. Squeezed grain bag very heavily to get such low loss to grain. Efficiency into Kettle = 77.6%. Final Efficiency - how do I work this out in Beersmith, or *gulp* manually? (hopeless at maths....)


That's perfect Crundle. Thanks a lot :beer:

To work out the final efficiency using Beersmith, open up the Brewhouse Efficiency box and at the top put in your OG (1.054) and down the bottom where it says, "Actual Batch Volume," type in your Brew Lenght figure (what went in the fermenter minus fermenter trub). In your case this figure is 21lts. Have just typed it in here and come up with a respectable 60.87%.

This figure is of course, the lowest figure you can get as it includes no trub etc.

One of the things I hope to learn from this exercise is to see if no-chill efficiency into fermenter figures equal chilled efficiency into fermenter figures. I am hoping it does as it will make life a lot easier for us all :)

Top stuff mate!
Calibrating Your Hydrometer at Relevant Gravities

For those who want to get their figures accurate, make sure you calibrate your hydrometers at 1.010 and 1.050. Crundle worked out how to do it in this post here I'll copy the relevant part below...

[From crundle] ...measure your hydrometer against a solution of 1 litre of water at 20 degrees (or close to, as below this there is little or no compensating for temperature necessary) and 130 grams of white table sugar for a 1.050 reading, or 26 grams for a 1.010 reading.

Those of you who try this might get a bit of a surprise - lol

Thanks again crundle :icon_cheers:
Here is one of mine that seems pretty standard. I only take a couple of readings.

The following figures are based on this number of brews (number):3
Desired Batch Size* (lts):33
Vessel Type (Keggle or xlt Pot):70 stock pot
Length of Boil (mins): 90
Grain Bill (kgs): 6.5
Starting Volume of Water (lts):48
Volume at Boil Start (lts):
Specific Gravity Reading at Start of Boil (hydrometer sample cooled to 15 or 20 degrees):
Plato Gravity Reading at Start of Boil (refractometer sample cooled to 20 degrees):
Volume at End of Boil (lts - deduct 4% if measured at 100 degrees):
Specific Gravity at End of Boil (hydrometer sample cooled to 15 or 20 degrees): 1.046
Plato Gravity Reading at End of Boil (refractometer sample cooled to 20 degrees):
Are you chilling? (Yes/No):y
Trub Left in Kettle (lts):5
Volume into Cube (lts):27
Volume into Fermenter (lts):27
Specific Gravity Reading into Fermenter (hydrometer sample at 15 or 20 degrees): 1.046
Plato Gravity Reading into Fermenter (refractometer sample at 20 degrees):
FINAL Specific Gravity Reading after Fermentation (hydrometer sample at 15 or 20 degrees): 1.012
FINAL Plato Gravity Reading after Fermentation (refractometer sample at 20 degrees):
Fermenter Trub (lts):3
Resulting Batch Size (lts): [/quote] 24
Hi all, Great work PP,Keep up the good work

The following figures are based on this number of brews (number):3
Desired Batch Size* (lts):23
Vessel Type (Keggle or xlt Pot):Converted commercial keg 50ltr
Length of Boil (mins): 70 min
Grain Bill (kgs):5.4 KG
Starting Volume of Water (lts):35
Volume at Boil Start (lts):32
Specific Gravity Reading at Start of Boil (hydrometer sample cooled to 15 or 20 degrees): 1044
Plato Gravity Reading at Start of Boil (refractometer sample cooled to 20 degrees):
Volume at End of Boil (lts - deduct 4% if measured at 100 degrees):
Specific Gravity at End of Boil (hydrometer sample cooled to 15 or 20 degrees):1052
Plato Gravity Reading at End of Boil (refractometer sample cooled to 20 degrees):
Are you chilling? (Yes/No):Yes
Trub Left in Kettle (lts):1
Volume into Cube (lts):
Volume into Fermenter (lts):22
Specific Gravity Reading into Fermenter (hydrometer sample at 15 or 20 degrees): 1052
Plato Gravity Reading into Fermenter (refractometer sample at 20 degrees):
FINAL Specific Gravity Reading after Fermentation (hydrometer sample at 15 or 20 degrees):
FINAL Plato Gravity Reading after Fermentation (refractometer sample at 20 degrees):
Fermenter Trub (lts):
Resulting Brew Length* (lts): [/quote]
Recipe (name or link):Munich Octoberfest
Notes (Squeezed the bag like hell to extract all the wort from those grains..Very carefully with rubber gloves as its very hot)
Regards Rod
Hi All,

Just wanted to share some pics of our first BIAB. An Anchor Liberty Ale clone.

The mash has gone well - we hit 68% efficiency (aiming for 70%) and the bull's teste lifted out easily in its beautiful bag (thanks Mum).

Skyhook worked well - (thanks BribieG):
View attachment 27474

... and that teste felt just grand. Warm and wet - if a tad leaky...

View attachment 27473


Benny, Max, Breezy (The *******)

Before I write something serious here, I just found this post above that got no replies!

Benny, occassionally the AHB server stuffs up and never forwards an email to notify users that someone has made a post. I was just back-tracking through this thread and saw your pics and thought, "I haven't seen that before."

All brewers love pics, especially of their first AG and with captions so please accept our apologies for not giving you any sort of hooray. Very embarrassing for us BIABers and it must have been a bit deflating for you!

So, how did your brew go? Got any more pics?

I know that your message must not have been forwarded by AHB as the message straight after it was from Katie and, under that hat, you look just like her fiance!

A belated congratulations to you! :beer:

EDIT: Looks like Benny's pics haven't even been copied in my quote above! They were a good effort and are back a few pages - Post #493
Two brews today..
The following figures are based on this number of brews (number):
Desired Batch Size* (lts):27
Vessel Type (Keggle or xlt Pot):60L pot
Length of Boil (mins): 75
Grain Bill (kgs):6.55
Starting Volume of Water (lts):35
Volume at Boil Start (lts):32
Specific Gravity Reading at Start of Boil (hydrometer sample cooled to 15 or 20 degrees): 1.051
Plato Gravity Reading at Start of Boil (refractometer sample cooled to 20 degrees):
Volume at End of Boil (lts - deduct 4% if measured at 100 degrees):24
Specific Gravity at End of Boil (hydrometer sample cooled to 15 or 20 degrees):1.062
Plato Gravity Reading at End of Boil (refractometer sample cooled to 20 degrees):
Are you chilling? (Yes/No):no
Trub Left in Kettle (lts):3.8
Volume into Cube (lts):
Volume into Fermenter (lts):21
Specific Gravity Reading into Fermenter (hydrometer sample at 15 or 20 degrees):1.062
Plato Gravity Reading into Fermenter (refractometer sample at 20 degrees):
FINAL Specific Gravity Reading after Fermentation (hydrometer sample at 15 or 20 degrees):
FINAL Plato Gravity Reading after Fermentation (refractometer sample at 20 degrees):
Fermenter Trub (lts):1
Resulting Batch Size (lts):20 [/quote]
The following figures are based on this number of brews (number):
Desired Batch Size* (lts):27
Vessel Type (Keggle or xlt Pot):60L pot
Length of Boil (mins): 50
Grain Bill (kgs):4.575
Starting Volume of Water (lts):35
Volume at Boil Start (lts):31
Specific Gravity Reading at Start of Boil (hydrometer sample cooled to 15 or 20 degrees): 1.032
Plato Gravity Reading at Start of Boil (refractometer sample cooled to 20 degrees):
Volume at End of Boil (lts - deduct 4% if measured at 100 degrees):31
Specific Gravity at End of Boil (hydrometer sample cooled to 15 or 20 degrees):1.042
Plato Gravity Reading at End of Boil (refractometer sample cooled to 20 degrees):
Are you chilling? (Yes/No):no
Trub Left in Kettle (lts):4
Volume into Cube (lts):
Volume into Fermenter (lts):24
Specific Gravity Reading into Fermenter (hydrometer sample at 15 or 20 degrees): 1.042
Plato Gravity Reading into Fermenter (refractometer sample at 20 degrees):
FINAL Specific Gravity Reading after Fermentation (hydrometer sample at 15 or 20 degrees):
FINAL Plato Gravity Reading after Fermentation (refractometer sample at 20 degrees):
Fermenter Trub (lts):1
Resulting Batch Size (lts): [/quote]23
Thanks a heap for being one of the initial posting pioneers Damien44 and rocket58. Can't wait to whack your figures into what I hope will become a most informative spreadsheet.

Just had a thought...

The forms you have filled out above I will have to, of course, run individually through brewing software. It is little extra effort for me to standardise a PM and forward you the results plus anything odd I notice. Yep, I think I will do that for anyone that posts here so you guys and Crundle can expect a PM on the weekend.

Just had another thought...

Maybe I can work out a way of also keeping you guys advised of the average figures I receive but maybe, as an incentive, you only get the average from the day you first post your figures? This would be very easy for me to do.

Agh! This might be the first time I can reward individual brewers for their enthusiasm. Why let lazy or unenthusiastic brewers sit on the sidelines and reap the rewards?

That idea is sounding great to me.


P.S. Crundle. Sorry, I totally missed your question in your earlier post re using the form for a single or multiple brew. You made the first register and that was a single brew. Damian and rocket based theirs on 3 brews. All of you, and I am amazed, interpreted the form correctly!!!!!
Good on you Lloydie! I just pressed the enter button and see that you posted before me!

I haven't read your post but the thanks and promises I conveyed to the above, of course, apply to you.


P.S. Can't tell you what a long day today has been! Gonna have breakfast, lunch and dinner while I look at your post!
Bloody hell, Lloydie, you lazy bastard! Just flicking through your figures? What's this 50 minute boil business? Why the rush?

Or maybe????

Katie! Put your clothes back on, write something to encourage BIABrewers to participate in your Australia's Biggest Brew Day and let your fiance finish his brew properly for goodness sake!

I hope you record how many BIABrews are done on the day because we will win!!!!

EDIT: Lloydie, thanks a heap mate for posting your results today. Found one error but it might be a typo. You ended up with the same volume at the start and end of boil on your second brew. These sort of mistakes are good I reckon. The more we doubt our figures, in some ways, turns out a better beer! A heap of my brewing figures, scrawled in pencil, obviously made sense at the time but in hindsight I can't understand them - sober too! So, almost live results like yours, probably have more veracity than other figures.
as requested

The following figures are based on this number of brews (number): 1
Desired Batch Size* (lts): 25
Vessel Type (Keggle or xlt Pot): 36lt stock pot
Length of Mash (mins): 60 + 30
Length of Boil (mins): 65
Grain Bill (kgs): 4.85
Starting Volume of Water (lts): 28
Volume at Boil Start (lts): 31
Specific Gravity Reading at Start of Boil (hydrometer sample cooled to 15 or 20 degrees): 1.039
Plato Gravity Reading at Start of Boil (refractometer sample cooled to 20 degrees):
Volume at End of Boil (lts - deduct 4% if measured at 100 degrees): 20
Specific Gravity at End of Boil (hydrometer sample cooled to 15 or 20 degrees):
Plato Gravity Reading at End of Boil (refractometer sample cooled to 20 degrees):
Are you chilling? (Yes/No): y
Trub Left in Kettle (lts):1.5
Volume into Cube (lts):
Volume into Fermenter (lts): 18.5
Specific Gravity Reading into Fermenter (hydrometer sample at 15 or 20 degrees): 1.040 after top up to 23 ltrs
Top Up Water: 4.5
Plato Gravity Reading into Fermenter (refractometer sample at 20 degrees):
FINAL Specific Gravity Reading after Fermentation (hydrometer sample at 15 or 20 degrees):
FINAL Plato Gravity Reading after Fermentation (refractometer sample at 20 degrees):
Fermenter Trub (lts):
Resulting Brew Length* (lts):
Recipe (name or link): Dr Smutos golden ale
Notes (Anything else of interest you might like to write): 1st BIAB, made some mistakes, should have fermented at 20 litres instead of 23, starting gravity 1042 (expected 1048 -1056)
Im working on getting my pot calibrated, at the mo im starting out with different starting volumes every time cos its not calibrated, im just taking my eff figures from the final volume into the fermenter, not including any trub left behind..

Once im all calibrated will post up my results :icon_cheers:

Oh, and theres nowhere to say how many litres of water I sparged with :rolleyes:
Found one error but it might be a typo.
More like a BRAIN TYPO... Yeah mate 31 instead of 28..... SO....

The following figures are based on this number of brews (number):20
Desired Batch Size* (lts):27
Vessel Type (Keggle or xlt Pot):60L pot
Length of Boil (mins): 50
Grain Bill (kgs):4.575
Starting Volume of Water (lts):35
Volume at Boil Start (lts):31
Specific Gravity Reading at Start of Boil (hydrometer sample cooled to 15 or 20 degrees): 1.032
Plato Gravity Reading at Start of Boil (refractometer sample cooled to 20 degrees):
Volume at End of Boil (lts - deduct 4% if measured at 100 degrees):28
Specific Gravity at End of Boil (hydrometer sample cooled to 15 or 20 degrees):1.042
Plato Gravity Reading at End of Boil (refractometer sample cooled to 20 degrees):
Are you chilling? (Yes/No):no
Trub Left in Kettle (lts):4
Volume into Cube (lts):
Volume into Fermenter (lts):24
Specific Gravity Reading into Fermenter (hydrometer sample at 15 or 20 degrees): 1.042
Plato Gravity Reading into Fermenter (refractometer sample at 20 degrees):
FINAL Specific Gravity Reading after Fermentation (hydrometer sample at 15 or 20 degrees):
FINAL Plato Gravity Reading after Fermentation (refractometer sample at 20 degrees):
Fermenter Trub (lts):1
Resulting Batch Size (lts):23

Cheers mate!!

Too cold for pantie shananagins.... Once bitten......

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