Beer And Crayfish. Who Remembers This?

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No Chillin' Like a Villain.
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Imagination Land
I was digging through some old pics of my Dad from his younger years and found this. I remember him drinking Swan Lager a lot but it was before my time. Note the steel can. Couldn't resist posting this. Check out the size of the cray (caught at Hamelin Bay near Augusta, W.A.) compared to the can of piss and the esky... :icon_drool2: :icon_drool2:

Those were the days, must be 30 years ago I reckon back when minimum chips were 20c. I remeber my olds going to the local fish & chip shop and buying a massive cray for Christmas Day lunch it was an unforgetable experience, which I obviously still remeber
That's and fantastic shot Jyo!

There are loads more pics of these monsters. The cheeky bugger and his mate used to clean up on crays, head down to the local in Augusta and sell them to the publican for jugs of beer :lol:
There are loads more pics of these monsters. The cheeky bugger and his mate used to clean up on crays, head down to the local in Augusta and sell them to the publican for jugs of beer :lol:

Community minded souls! :D
I was digging through some old pics of my Dad from his younger years and found this. I remember him drinking Swan Lager a lot but it was before my time. Note the steel can. Couldn't resist posting this. Check out the size of the cray (caught at Hamelin Bay near Augusta, W.A.) compared to the can of piss and the esky... :icon_drool2: :icon_drool2:

View attachment 46150

Classic shot! brings back some memories, i think everyone had one of those old eskies didnt they! i think we had the blue version, it may even be laying around at the back of the old mans place still! My old man was a Swan drinker. He has a carton of it stashed away still i think.... not reeeaally sure why tho :lol: !
What a Cray, need a big pot for that one. I would give 2 jugs of beer for one that size.