Bathurst Homebrew Comp Update

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Just to let any body interested that we are all ready to roll tomorrow here in Bathurst for 2009.
We have a total of 339 Entries with all 18 Catagories filled with enough entries.
Great to see a lot of new entrants this year. Probably because we are running it as the NSW Qualifier as well.
Also great to see quite a few BJCP guys put there hands up to help out as this our first go at the BJCP thing.
We hope to have the results up on here by Monday night so please be patient.
All prizes to winners that are not at the Presentation Night will be sent out by Australia Post next week as well.
Thanks to those of you who supported our comp. and good luck to all.
Cheers and beers
The Bigfella
PS. I started a new thread as I don't know how to get one of the previous back to the start again.
I have packed already. Will pick up Korev at 5.30 am tomorrow and should be there in plenty of time even stopping for a big beer judging breakfast on the way.
See you all there.
Gavin & I will be there tomorrow night (damn work). I'm pretty sure Stuart and Mike will be there for tomorrow's judging.

Looking forward to it!

See you soon :beer:
Crozdog, you and Gavin should tell work you are working for the betterment of the community and you need the paid time off. (no responsibility taken for this suggestion).
See you Saturday. :D
Yeah, I should be there by mid-morning. That's a lot of entries this year. Lots of drinking judging to be done this weekend. See you there. :icon_cheers:
Just having a couple of cleansers tonight to warm up the palate!

leaving at 5.30 also, wait for me if I'm late
I have packed already. Will pick up Korev at 5.30 am tomorrow and should be there in plenty of time even stopping for a big beer judging breakfast on the way.
See you all there.

Another year rolls by.
Thinking of you guys (ie Brian & all his helpers) yesterday..... & today while mashing a Dunkel.....can't have enough Dunkel :)

Hoping you guys & gals have (had) a great time up there.

Pete Wadey

PS. Gawd Brian, 339 entries! Glad I was only responsible for just under 1% of that load.
just got a sms, i took third in the low alcohol section.
second time i entered
i entered a mild ale and a blonde, but im not sure which one it was, im suspecting the blonde as the mild was average.
Just wanted to say thanks to Brian, Gay, Ray, Phillipa and the rest of the Bathurst crew for putting on a great comp. Well done!! :super: Saturday went really smoothly. The BJCP styles was a new approach for you but i think everyone appreciated what it brings to the table.

I judged some great beers and was pleased to hear both well known and unfamiliar names being announced at the presentation. Congratulations to all of the winners & place getters.

If anyony has trouble reading my scrawl on the judging sheets, drop me a PM.

Crozdog aka Philip
Will the results for this be up online anywhere soon?
Will the results for this be up online anywhere soon?

I would read the start of this post and there is your answer.

The winning results will go on tonight when I get home from selling my customers good quality brewing supplies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Bigfella
my bad it was only highly commended not third but still for a beer that i thought wasnt quite right.

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